Executive Education

Alejandro Arranz, director of Open Innovation & New Technologies at Mahou San Miguel

Executive Education

Executive Education: customised programmes for companies

Transformation is the new normal. The ability to adapt and excel in a disruptive and changing environment has become an imperative for companies. To be more competitive, organizations need agile leaders, capable of dealing with change and of managing and navigating unpredictable situations, with critical and innovative thinking and providing new models to optimize business. Leaders capable of generating impact, working in volatile environments and designing their future. A sustainable, conscious and responsible future.

II International Women Acceleration Track (IWAT)

Un programa in company, realizado por Executive Education de Nebrija Business and Technology School (Universidad Nebrija), promovido por ACCIONA y en colaboración con la Florida International University (FIU).
Se trata de un programa innovador de excelencia dirigido a un grupo diverso de futuras líderes integrado por 30 mujeres profesionales con alto potencial de ACCIONA de nueve países (España, Chile, México, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Brasil, Canadá, Estados Unidos y Noruega) de distintas posiciones y empresas del grupo. El programa, que ha dirigido Ana Álvarez Castro, directora de Executive Education y directora del área STEM de la Asociación Multisectorial de Mujeres Directivas y Empresarias (AMMDE), es un viaje transformador e internacional.

We design training for all levels of your organisation

Rankings NBTS

Reconocimientos y rankings internacionales destacados de Nebrija Business & Technology School

One of the best Universities in Spain

High score in Teaching, Employability & Internationa­lization

Top 5 in Labor inclusion

Among the 5 best MBAs in Spain

Among the 8 best Online MBAs in Spanish