Studying in Madrid and living in Nebrija Residences will undoubtedly be a complete and unforgettable experience.
The Nebrija-Corazonistas Residence is located in the Moncloa district, close to Ciudad Universitaria and next to two of the largest parks in Madrid.
From there, you can quickly get to most of the universities in Madrid: Nebrija University, Comillas University (ICADE and ICAI), UCM, UPM, CEU San Pablo, Saint Louis University and CUNEF. Also, it is located close to the direct transport service to UAM, UFV, U-Tad and CEU Montepríncipe, among others.
The residence offers 71 mixed places distributed in single room. All services are included, there are large common areas and numerous study and work rooms so that you can make the most of your time with us.