Estupidez artificial | Juan Ignacio Rouyet | TEDxUNebrija



Parece que la inteligencia artificial es como nosotros y nos preocupa que sea ética. Pero quizás deberíamos ocuparnos en cómo ser éticos nosotros con la inteligencia artificial. He now walks towards several horizons. At Quint, he helps customers get along with technology; at UNIR, he leads students towards sustainable and ethical entrepreneurship; in lost hours he writes his thoughts in Digital Biz or esglobal; and, as president of We The Humans, he seeks a more human AI. In all his walks through this life he works for a technology with a human dimension. A technology that makes us better people: kinder, more joyful, more artistic. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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0h 12m

Producción y realización

Departamento de Actos - Universidad Nebrija
