¿Cómo se mide el conocimiento? | Jon Andoni Duñabeitia | TEDxUNebrija

Aunque mucha gente habla del concepto de cultura general, es muy difícil definir en qué consiste, y aún más complejo es determinar qué factores hacen que una persona sea más o menos culta. Hasta hace unos años, la mayoría de los estudios científicos sobre inteligencia y conocimiento mostraba dificultades para reclutar suficientes participantes para garantizar validez suficiente. Sin embargo, la llegada de internet ahora permite solucionar este problema a través de la creación de megaestudios. A través de estudios con decenas de miles de personas en toda España hemos conseguido describir en qué consiste la cultura general y elaborar un perfil detallado de las mentes más cultas del país. He is a Doctor of Psychology and an expert in cognitive science and psycholinguistics. He is a professor and principal investigator at the Faculty of Languages and Education at Nebrija University, where he directs the Nebrija Research Center on Cognition (CINC). After completing his studies as a teacher (University of the Basque Country) and psychopedagogue (University of Deusto), he began a research career exploring the relationship between brain and language, using behavioral and neuroimaging techniques, focusing mainly on multilingualism and literacy processes in people of different ages. He is an adjunct professor at the University of the Arctic (Norway), a member of the AcqVA Aurora Center of the same university and an affiliated researcher of the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL). His scientific contributions exceed 130 articles of international impact and he has directed several national and regional projects on language, reading and language learning. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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0h 14m

Producción y realización

Departamento de Actos - Universidad Nebrija
