Vendedores de humo. El precio del arte vacío. | Fernando Castro Flores | TEDxUNebrija



Las transformaciones culturales nos han hecho preguntarnos a lo largo de la historia ¿qué es arte? Hoy más que nunca, frente a la llegada de la digitalización y los NFT, conviene preguntarnos qué es lo que consideramos una verdadera creación artística. Fernando Castro Flórez (Plasencia, 1964) is a Spanish philosopher, esthete and art critic. He has developed his teaching work at the Institute of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Institute of Contemporary Culture of the Ortega y Gasset Institute and the Reina Sofía Museum, of whose board of trustees he is a member. He teaches doctoral courses, classes and conferences at numerous universities and museums both in Spain and in other countries. He has written regularly in cultural supplements of newspapers such as El País, Diario 16, El Independiente, El Sol, El Mundo, and has been an art critic for ABC Cultural for more than ten years, collaborating in various cultural magazines. He has curated more than a hundred exhibitions and countless individual and group shows in museums around the world3 and collaborative works such as with Domingo Sánchez Blanco from Salamanca. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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0h 18m

Producción y realización

Departamento de Actos - Universidad Nebrija
