Guía para estudiantes internacionales / Practical Guide for international students - Universidad Nebrija

19 Asia Admission Requirements UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE Preregistration Admission application form filled out and signed. Photocopy of Passport. Motivation letter. Send documentation to Admission tests You will receive the passwords so you can access the following admission tests: Spanish test (if you do not have the Spanish DELE certificate, level B2). English test. Specific test of the degree (the basic knowledge of the program to be studied will be assessed). We will set the date of the interview with the director of the undergraduate degree. Enrollment The Admissions Department will contact the pre- registered student with definite admission in order to formalize their enrollment in the undergraduate degree. Below are the necessary documents to complete your enrollment: Proof of the payment of the Reservation of place and Enrollment. Photocopy of legalized academic record*. Photocopy of legalized and homologated baccalaureate degree* (if you do not have this document, you must submit the receipt of application). POSTGRADUATE DEGREE Preregistration Admission application form filled out and signed. Photocopy of Passport. Resumé. Motivation letter. Academic or work recommendation letter (optional). Send documents to Admission tests You will receive the passwords so you can access the following admission tests: Spanish test (if you do not have the Spanish DELE certificate, level B2). English test (depending on the program). Specific test of the degree (depending on the program, the basic knowledge of the program to be studied will be assessed). We will set the date of the interview with the director of the respective postgraduate program. Enrollment The Admissions Department will contact the pre-registered student with definite admission in order to formalize their enrollment in the selected postgraduate program. Below are the necessary documents to complete your enrollment: Proof of payment of the Reservation of place and Enrollment. Photocopy of the legalized academic record*. Photocopy of the legalized university Diploma. Sealed and signed certificate issued by the university of origin certifying that your studies are official and that they grant access to postgraduate studies. * The last two procedures must be performed before the Spanish embassy or consulate in your country of origin.