Guía para estudiantes internacionales / Practical Guide for international students - Universidad Nebrija

7 Studying at Nebrija Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN UNIVERSITY RESIDENCES Nebrija has three university residences in the city of Madrid, with a number of places for international students. It is advisable to make the reservation with plenty of time in advance, as the places are limited. This accommodation will depend on availability on the date of application. For more information, contact: +34 91 452 11 50 alojamientosestudiantes/ OTHER ACCOMMODATION We will help you manage other types of accommodation through alojamientosestudiantes/ HOMESTAY WITH SPANISH FAMILIES The University only guarantees accommodation during the dates of the program. In the registration form, students must indicate they want family accommodation and will have to pay the first month in advance. When this payment is received, the University will send information about the host family. (See section: Admission Letter). Finally, students must communicate their arrival date to both the University and the host family. This accommodation will depend on availability on the date of application. To check availability, write to Nebrija University does not arrange accommodation in hotels, hostels, or shared apartments.