Guía para estudiantes internacionales / Practical Guide for international students - Universidad Nebrija

9 Admissions Spanish Courses / Study Abroad Admission requirements ADMISSION TO SPANISH COURSES Online registration Through inscripcion-online Offline registration: Fill out the admission application . Once filled out, you must send it to The file will be checked by the center and a confirmation will be sent by email. *In order to be a student of the Hispanic Students Center, the student must be over 18 years old. Confirmed payment Once the confirmation email is received, the amount indicated must be paid. The student will not be completely registered in the CEHI until this payment is made and confirmed. Final documents Photocopy of passport. Digital photograph. ADMISSION TO SEMESTERPROGRAMS Documents to be sent Filled-out and signed admission application inscripcion.pdf Photocopy of passport. Photocopy of academic record. Two photographs. Photocopy of valid health insurance in Spain. Duly completed academic fees form (not applicable to exchange students). It is a prerequisite to have a B2 Spanish level for programs that are not taught in English. Send the registration form by postal mail or fax, together with the required documents to: International Mobility Office Campus of Madrid-Princesa C/ Santa Cruz de Marcenado, 27 28015 Madrid 91 452 11 03 Deadlines: First Semester (fall) or full academic year: June 1. Second Semester (spring): October 15. It is also possible to register online: solicitud-acceso/es/