Nuestra NEBRIJA 26 - Julio 2018

33 people´s well-being. I am part of a group of economists that in recent years and with quan- titative techniques has investi- gated how and to what extent the welfare and happiness of people depend on social rela- tionships, inequalities, persona- lity, working conditions, money, education, health and quality of family life, among other is- sues. The underlying purpose is always the same: to predict scenarios and explain empiri- cal phenomena in order to offer decision makers new public policies that lead societies to higher levels of well-being. In this, and in the excitement ge- nerated by having access to a new database, we share, I fear, the dataist creed. The Nebrija University is the place to develop this research agenda in the best possible conditions. Nebrija has a team committed to science, research and social impact. The efforts undergone by the institution in recent times in order to pro- mote scientific production and academic excellence make Ne- brija, today, a manual of good practices. That was precisely what made me come and be- come excited about the project. There is a culture that encou- rages, monitors and applauds the scientific progress of its professors and researchers. With these credentials, Nebrija aims to be a benchmark in the generation of knowledge and the recruitment of the best ta- lent in the coming years. Ahead of its time, it will undoubtedly be one of the first institutions to reap the benefits of this ambi- tious challenge. One of the objectives of joining Nebrija University, perhaps the most important, is to contribu- te to a field in which Nebrija already stands out. The uni- versity has today a strategic positioning in the area of inter- nationalization of companies. On the one hand, the Nebrija- Santander Global Chair in Inter- nationalization of Companies is a privileged watchtower that attracts the attention of social agents and disseminates the activities of the university in this area. On the other hand, the institution has researchers of recognized prestige in this field. Led by Professor Juan de Lucio, the team has published numerous articles in interna- tional journals with an impact factor. One of the challenges after my arrival is that of contri- buting to develop this field on the basis of my experience in data management and quanti- tative techniques. In the School of Social Scien- ces, we want to continue applying these techniques to improve our knowledge of the world, business experiences and individual experiences. Companies and people are the main actors of our agenda. We want to grow around this idea, involving graduate and postgra- duate students in our progress, incorporating experienced researchers, getting involved in competitive national and in- ternational projects, helping companies to manage their ex- periences and talents, creating and transferring knowledge and, finally, contributing to the development of society. C ompanies and people are the main actors of our agenda