Nuestra NEBRIJA 27 - Octubre 2018
29 the global health company Merck & Co. Inc., present in over 140 countries, consists of carrying out research, training and dissemination activities of a scientific and communicative nature, both academic and institutional, as well as promoting the union of the academic, scientific and business world in everything related to science, health and communication. More than 12 years of collaboration have materialized, among other research projects, in the Colección Aula Nebrija MSD de Comunicación y Ciencias de la Salud , with currently three books: Manual de buenas prácticas periodísticas: recomendaciones para los profesionales de información de salud (2014), Ética y deontología para periodistas de salud en radio (2016), which also includes the "ethical view" of the president of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Journalists and several media, science and health experts, and Cómo las tecnologías digitales están influyendo en la información de salud , which will be released in November 2018. The Nebrija BMS España Classroom on Prospective Journalism in Health was created a year ago. Its main objective is the development of joint projects between the School of Communication and Arts, the Nebrija Group of analytic and prospective Journalism, and BMS España, a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical multinational Bristol-Myers Squibb, focused on helping patients all over the world in oncology, cardiovascular, immunoscience and fibrosis illnesses. This Classroom arises with the clear vocation to inform, train and communicate with rigor, quality, veracity, ethics and responsibility on innovation and prevention, the improvement of quality of life of the patients and the prospective communication to the society of these facts, to help citizens prepare for trends they do not observe or intuit. At this time, we are analyzing the contributions of prospective journalism and communication in the area of health. These results will be made public in a conference to be held in the coming months, aimed at communication and health specialists and professionals and representatives of public or private institutions that are interested in the challenges of communication in the future. These two classrooms (competitive research projects of the private sector) are, we believe, a good example of the Nebrija spirit, which, since its inception, has strongly committed to university- company collaboration. N ebrija U niversity , since its inception , has strongly committed to university - company collaboration
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