Nuestra NEBRIJA 28 - Enero 2019

26 In the February 2016 issue of Nuestra Nebrija magazine, an article on the new learning environments began by affirming that knowledge is stepping outside the classroom and flowing into newvirtual spaces for teachingand learning. Today, after almost three years since this affirmation, the University is taking a big step, going much further in the digital transformation of higher education and committing to a breakthrough and innovative digital space: the Future Classroom. This disruptive technological environment makes the in-person experience converge with the virtual one in the same physical-digital space. Knowledge is not only stepping outside the classroom, but is created in a hybrid and flexible environment in which professors and students are immersed in an educational experience that moves away from traditional models. With the implementation of the Future Classroom, Nebrija University is committed to a blended model that focuses on content quality, the interaction of students with the professor and among themselves, and experiential learning (learning by doing), thus moving the model of rigorousness and quality of the classroom attendance modality (as well as the online modality, via the Nebrija Global Campus) to this new model of mixed and transversal education. This space, located in the headquarters of the Antonio de Nebrija Foundation, is based on a large video wall that allows the professor, physically located on campus, to interact with students connected anywhere in the world in a synchronous manner and with minimum latency, thus breaking any geographical barrier. The video wall uses software from the video-collaboration platform, which allows synchronous interaction between all participants, both in the physical classroom and in the virtual one. In addition, integrates tools for the projection of high-quality content in multiple formats, production of simulations, application of geolocation systems, collaborative work among students with joint creation and taking surveys and tests, among other things, which facilitates an immersive learning experience. The Future Classroom at Nebrija A n innovative digital space able to recognise the students ' emotional state Knowledge is not only stepping outside the classroom, but is being created in a hybrid and flexible environment in which professors and students are immersed in an educational experience that moves away from traditional models. Article Cristina Villalonga. Director of Nebrija Global Campus