Nuestra NEBRIJA 28 - Enero 2019

27 One of the significant aspects of is that it also includes an emotional recognition system, which allows to know the students' emotional state and, consequently, to apply motivation strategies during the session. This aspect has a direct relationship with Nebrija University's educational model, which is close and based on humanistic values, also transferred to the field of digital education. On the other hand, in the virtual field it is important to analyze the data related to learning strategies. platform, which digitally supports the Future Classroom, allows one to apply analysis of all the actions that are carried out during the lecture through the processing of data and applying big data systems. Through this analysis, the opportunity to work on personalized learning strategies, adapted to the needs of each student, is presented. Thus,theimplementationof theFutureClassroomis much more than technological innovation. It poses new methodological challenges, which make the digital education model of our University grow. In this new environment, collaborative blended sessions can be implemented, but also sessions and lectures with speakers of great relevance, congresses and conferences, defenses of final research projects for undergraduate and master's degrees, immersive experimentation workshops, training aimed at the teaching community, etc. All the events have an international focus and are based on the academic and interdisciplinary competences obtained by all Nebrija students. This way, we are committed to a comprehensive and practical education, which encourages the development of students' professional, linguistic and digital skills. The Future Classroom is one of the University's projects for educational digital transformation strategy. In the same framework, we are working on the Room Touch, TV Stream and Virtual Reality classroom models. Although in the 2016 report I questioned myself if learning can occur anytime and anywhere, today, looking in the rearview mirror and seeing the true digital transformation that the University has experienced, especially in the e-learning field, I can affirm that it is possible. Even more, if possible, in the classrooms of future Nebrija. H ybrid , immersive and flexible