Nuestra NEBRIJA 28 - Enero 2019

45 The interpretation of heritage should be understood as a method of research and valuation of cultural assets, including aspects such as fundamental research and the enhancement of cultural resources, but also the development of pedagogical work that is necessary at all levels. On the one hand, conservation work must go through an explicit recognition by residents of their own heritage, learning to value its wealth and importance. Without a population that respects and values cultural assets, it is impossible to protect and conserve any asset properly. On the other hand, the pedagogical work should be directed to alleviate uncivil behaviors on behalf of the tourists, as "users" of this heritage, and to raise awareness of a responsible and adequate use of these resources for their future preservation. In this context we can frame one of the latest projects presented by some of the researchers of the Nebrija Group on Economic Analysis of the Tourist System, developed in collaboration with the Department of Archeology of the University of Granada for the State Research Agency. The project, called Exploitation and trade of the metal of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity. Contributions of archaeomining and archeometallurgy (ECOMETAL project) , aims to recover the ancient mining heritage in the Sierra Morena area, in part as essential research of an archaeological nature, but with a fundamental component of valuation and enhancement of heritage resources. These actions will allow, in a rural context, to generate an interpretative discourse that not only teaches the tourist to respect local culture, but also helps generate a tourist-resident balance. The generation of this resource, potentially economically exploitable and of a sustainable nature with the environment in which it is located, together with the work of dissemination, will be the pillars that prevent the development of tourism-phobia. I t is necessary to develop pedagogical work to alleviate uncivil behavior