Nuestra NEBRIJA 28 - Enero 2019

59 when we refer to the state of the art on a subject we have repeatedly researched. Another bad practice that is a result of "publish or perish" is honorary authorship, which in my opinion has greater ethical depth since, on the one hand, the value of the authorship of those who have actually carried out the academic work is reduced and, on the other, one is appropriating knowledge, an expertise that is not one's own. Also, the order of appearance itself is a breeding ground for conflict among the authors who write a paper. Universities are co-responsible for bad practices that are generated among researchers. It is evident that they cannot control the academic dishonesty of all the affiliated researchers, but they must be active in maintaining an ethical ecosystem in research. In this sense, for years Nebrija University has approved a code of good practices that is necessary both for the Doctoral School’s project and for the verification processes of each doctoral degree. However, we know that paper does not hold it all, and from the Research Vice-Rector's office we must design a set of specific actions for the teaching and research staff to institutionalize the ethical dimension of of research. This goes beyond what we have pointed out here, incluiding, among other issues, the peer review itself with its specific deontological conflicts. In this sense, we must highlight the recent process of institutionalization in Spanish universities of ethics committees in different disciplines. This committees, among other functions, previously evaluate research projects of researchers with a favorable or unfavorable report. In 2018 the first committee was created in the School of Languages and Education, and it is very likely that they will be gradually implemented in the other centers and schools of Nebrija University. We have recently learned that a scandal in the media that affects academic dishonesty has an immediate effect on the reputation of the university in which academic fraud has occurred. Therefore, we must spare no resources and efforts on the ethical question, because a dishonest practice can ruin the reputation and work of years of an entire university community. U niversities have to be active in maintaining an ethical research ecosystem We should not spare resources and efforts on the ethical question because a dishonest practice can ruin the reputation and work of years of an entire university community.