Nuestra NEBRIJA 28 - Enero 2019

62 Article Andrés Arenas Falótico and Jessica Bayón Pérez. Professors of the School of Social Sciences We are living at a surprisingly fast speed. Finding something online is so fast and so simple that a high percentage of the population is virtually hooked on information and communication technologies. This unstoppable and irreversible reality is causing a very peculiar effect in people, which is reflected in the attitudes and skills that arise when living in these first years of the 21st century. Some have developed an intolerance to waiting for answers, whether they come from institutions, government or people. They expect the response to a procedure to be as immediate as the response from an internet search engine. Companies and the government have realized this and also want to provide answers quickly and efficiently. Millions of euros have been invested in the automation of e-Government and all the robotics processes that today are menacingly surrounding a group of people who are not tech savvy. And you can image the consequences. We will use as an example the well-known theory that in the future we will all be replaced, to some extent, by robots. Then we will read interesting press articles written by XCtr2 or watch the famous program of Cyborg Arnold that incites so much laughter. Perhaps many will think that this is a utopia and that there is nothing to worry about, because this will happen when we are already dead. The bad news is that this is happening right now as you read this article. This would be one of the consequences of what we have called the "Mr. Search Engine effect" (and we say "Mr. Search Engine" in order to not use any commercial brand of search engines on the internet). New terms that will soon have to be admitted by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy for Language) are biohacker, a person who has been able to decode the computer code of the brain and change it or adapt it to function differently, and bioconservative, a defender of old habits such as reading and studying, work done by people and enemies of the cyborgs (term recently recognized by the RAE). Without realizing it, we have adopted a series of behaviors and we have madly followed the insatiable thirst for the development of the information society. The internet search engine gives us answers quickly, and we respond just as fast. A new mobile device with greater The Mr. Search Engine effect S ome people have developed an intolerance to waiting for answers Expecting everything to remain the same as before, as when our parents or grandparents lived, is as utopian as believing that we cannot be replaced by a robot in less than 10 years.