Nuestra NEBRIJA 28 - Enero 2019

63 capacity goes on sale and we buy it; a new drone comes out and soonwe see the sky full of little black or colorful things that observe us from above or take selfies of us; we videoconference with our cousin who lives in the mountains that surround Vic. But we don't know that everything is part of a plan, that perhaps someone has done on purpose. We have always talked about evolution and that Jules Verne, in writing his work on travelling to the Moon, motivated millions of children to dream of making it a reality. Well, we achieved this in one way or another a few years later. Does anyone remember the series The six millions Dollar Man ? Today in the Olympics we can even see people who have regained an arm, a leg or a hand even with touch sensitivity. The series nowadays would be boring as it would not be considered science fiction. What does this tell us? That new generations are not born more advanced, but rather that the old generations dreamed something, published it or made it known and these new generations have been born with that mental behavior chip that pushes us to fulfill our grandparents' dream. The paradigm is not that the new generations push us but that we pull them with our futuristic dreams. Travelling in time, having eternal life, visits from aliens..., these are concepts that are incubating in the minds of our children, but if we think that seeing them come true will take us as long as the invention of the submarine after the publication of Verne's book "Twenty thousand miles under the sea", we are making a big mistake. Our article does not want to be dark or negative. The idea is to understand realities and adapt to them, understand the process that has brought them here. We have seen that the only constant is change, and expecting everything to remain the same as our parents or grandparents lived for 30 years, in the same town or with the same place of work, is as utopian as believing that we cannot be replaced by a robot in less than 10 years. In our University we work every day to prepare our students for that uncertain future. Companies that do not yet exist, jobs that have not yet been created, business models that we cannot even imagine... We face these challenges from the interdisciplinary point of view that characterizes our model of teaching, focused on the student. In the Business Administration Department we are working, among many other things, on satellite entrepreneurship models, and in the Law Department we have, in addition to many other initiatives, dynamic legal clinics that are willing to face the legal challenges that lie ahead. All this to offer our students the best education in the face of the challenges of the future, which, like it or not, is already the present. T he only constant is change