Nuestra NEBRIJA 29 abril 2019

38 Nebrija Research Jon Andoni Duñabeitia Principal Investigator at the School of Languages and Education, Nebrija University Scientists try to generate models that, on the one hand, explain past observations and, on the other, predict future observations, in such a way that the uncertainty about reality is progressively reduced. This is the scientific essence, based on the confrontation of predictions with the data and the generation of postdictions that will give rise to new research. In this process based on the testing of previously described hypotheses and the generation of new hypotheses in light of the results that will be tested in the future, researchers are in charge of developing scientific literature with their contributions. Thus, scientists have the duty to publish their findings in order to share scientific progress with the community. In a professional environment where scientific excellence is pursued, publications in the most representative journals in each field embody an indicator of research quality. The problem arises when some scientists consciously or unconsciously adopt approaches to research that point to a debated professional ethic in order to achieve a greater impact in the form of publications. While it is true that the scientific scene is not going through one of its best moments in terms of professional ethics, many researchers have taken a proactive stance in a constructive spirit based on self-criticism, so light on science may shine again. And to return this lost light, there is nothing better than to put the spotlight on the real problems in order to create collaborative solutions. And this is how the concept of open science was born. Thinking globally, open science is nothing but a repetitive expression. Science is, in its essence, of all and for all, as is the reality that is attempted to be explained through science. So, when was science closed off and why should it be reopened? It is not clear at what point it could have happened, but what is clear is that the biggest lock that has been placed on science is the creation of a market for scientific publications in the hands of a few large publishing groups that charge to give access to its content. Science advances thanks in large part to the collective economic efforts of public investors, which in most cases are supported by citizens' taxes. It does not seem fair that we all pay to promote scientific development (supporting labor Open science We are facing a period that offers the possibility to do science in a dignified, ethical and transparent way, and to fight for scientific excellence that goes beyond the scientific market created by publishers.