Nuestra NEBRIJA 29 abril 2019

39 contracts for scientists, creation of research centers and units and financing of research projects, for example), and then we have to pay once again to be able to know the results of this research which are the result of social scientific sponsorship. Scientific reports are not an added value on which new costs or fees can be charged to enjoy them. Scientific reports are the natural conclusion of a research cycle and should never have been locked away. However, we must not confuse open access with the complexity and scope of open science. Open access is one of the pillars of open science, but it is not the only one, and perhaps not even the most important one. In fact, open access journals have a history older than the open science movements, since its launch took place about two decades ago. Open science is a research model that commits to doing science without restrictions, involving the community in the totality of the process and in its results in an exercise of total transparency. Thorough the struggle to disassociate scientific action from publishing markets, from the privatization of knowledge and, above all, from the proliferation of questionable research practices, open science struggles to establish itself as the model of quality research activity. Open science is based on pillars that demonstrate an inescapable commitment to transparency and there is a certain consensus in agreeing that the following, at least, are an essential part of this idea: open methodology, open source, open data, open peer review, open access and open education. We are facing a new period that offers us the possibility of doing science in a dignified, ethical and transparent way, and of fighting from academia for a scientific excellence that goes far beyond the scientific market created by publishers, embracing the concept of global scientific and ethical culture. It is important for us all to be an active part in this journey towards excellence, contributing from our daily tasks what we can to favor a more open and professional way of doing science. S cience is , in its essence , of all and for all