Nuestra NEBRIJA 29 abril 2019

55 searching and locating sources. It also addres- ses all of the writing, citation and referencing aspects and, finally, the channels to ensure pu- blication and dissemination of the results. In the bibliometric data area, there are information metrics, tools to measure the impact factor of scientific journals, new alternative metrics and specific data on research acti- vity at Nebrija University. It is a space that tries to shed light on this changing aspect of the research evaluation. The thriving consideration of the so-called open science and the characteristics of the open ac- cess model go hand in hand with information about the world of institutional and research repositories. The new Nebrija repository also holds, in the section on open access information policies, its own space as a tool for dissemina- ting the scientific and academic products of Ne- brija University. Finally, the complicated universe of copyrights also has a specific area, where we have included the treatment of aspects such as types of usa- ge licenses, legislation and intellectual property laws, the problem of plagiarism, and the tools and services to fight it. Additionally, the research space we have desig- ned is interwoven with the information resour- ce park the University already had, as well as with specific information on its scientific production data, and connects with the web services of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research. This new space is also aimed at describing the steps that a researcher must follow depending on the type of academic research being prepared, as specific acces- ses have been incorporated through profiles for students that are carrying out their final research project for their undergradua- te or Master's degree, or their Master's thesis. The convenience of this content adaptation and updating, under the objectives of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research, was linked to another project that began at the same time and was the launch of the new research repository. Both projects are related, since this repository re- lies on the concept of open access to which the vast majority of institutional and research reposi- tories adhere and, as such, the Nebrija repository is classified and explained in that context within the research space itself. Two projects that go hand in hand and help us to continue on the path of excellence in research at Nebrija University. T his project helps the U niversity to follow the path of excellence in research Perfil del investigador Redacción, citación y publicación Vicerrectorado de investigación Nuestros recursos Datos bibliométricos Acceso abierto Derechos de autor