Nuestra NEBRIJA 30 - julio 2019

42 Nebrija Research Gonzalo Solana González. Director of the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Internationalization of Companies On May 22 and 23, the 2nd Internationaliza- tion Research Conference was held at Nebrija University's Princesa Campus. The event was or- ganized by the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Internationalization of Companies, with the colla- boration of the Complutense Institute of Interna- tional Studies (ICEI) and the advice of Professor Rafael Myro. The gathering brought together a large number of researchers from different Spanish universities and research organizations with two objectives: to share and discuss their work in the field of inter- national trade and investment, and to establish a continuous dialogue with those who decide on the actions of companies in these areas, both with public mana- gers -mainly the Secretary of State for Trade- and with private companies, such as associa- tions of companies and inter- national business departments of large companies. During the conference, presen- tations were made on various topics in internatio- nalization, and the different analysis techniques that are being used in these works were analyzed. Among the issues most associated with the cu- rrent situation, there was concern regarding the weakness of international trade and the determi- nants of its deceleration. The studies highlighted the negative impacts of the so-called commercial war, emphasizing that in Spain they will be grea- ter in the more industrialized regions, such as the Basque Country and Catalonia. The first due to its high specialization in metals and their transfor- mation, and the second due to its high volume of trade. The adverse effects that non-tariff protec- tionist measures are entailing for world trade were also highlighted. On the other hand, the impact of Chinese exports on the competitiveness of Spanish exports was analyzed, without detecting significant differen- ces with respect to the compe- titive pressure exerted by other business partners, except per- haps a greater impact on the cessation of business activity. The foreseeable consequences of Brexit were also assessed. In a no-deal scenario, Spain will be one of the countries that su- ffers most due to its high exposure to trade with the United Kingdom and its high dependence on tourism from this country. With regard to factors of a more structural nature, the crucial importance of the imports of interme- The road towards the internationalization of Spanish companies The Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Internationalization of Companies see- ks to become an example among Spanish researchers and to promote the realization of studies in this area of knowledge, which is so important for the business sector of our country. I n a no - deal B rexit , S pain will be one of the countries that suffers the most