Nuestra NEBRIJA 31 - octubre 2019

Published in Cinco Días on October 5th 2019 47 demand, with the entry of new issuing markets (China), other times due to the appearance of previously unprecedented destinations, the fact is that our tourism businessmen had watched these crises from the sidelines… until now. Only serious terrorist attacks or natural disasters have sometimes altered the mood of the sector. And so, we reach September 24, 2019. A day that will last in the memory of the tourism world. Like Lehman Brothers, the giant Thomas Cook was the largest and oldest company in its sector, the tourism package tour operator. A business conglomerate founded 178 years ago that managed the vacations of no less than 19 million people. The tsunami caused by its fall yields dramatic figures: 600,000 abandoned tourists, 8.6 million seats canceled, over 500 closed sales offices, 21,000 jobless employees and an estimated loss, just in Spain, of over 200 million of euros. The business was quite simple. In exchange for sleeping soundly, that is, for guaranteeing high levels of occupancy, tourism businessmen accepted strong reductions in their business margins. A trade-off from which our public officials also indirectly benefited, taking advantage of the increase in the arrival of tourists as a first- rate political argument. In short, a safe bet for businessmen and politicians that unfortunately has stopped working. By this I am not saying that there is anything wrong with wanting to sleep soundly or being proud when things are going well for us. But when an economic sector such as tourism reaches 10% of the country's economy, things become more complex and have to be dealt with real strategic determination, because there is a lot on the line. What at the microeconomic level (companies) might seem like an excellent business decision (to give a few international operators an important part of the ability to distribute tourism products and services), at an aggregate or macroeconomic level the solution may be somewhat risky, as Thomas Cook's bankruptcy has shown. At this point, what to do now? The most sensible thing, once the dam is closed at the lowest cost for the taxpayer, would be to stop to reflect. Think about whether, in view of what happened, our tourism sector should continue to leave such a significant share of the distribution of our destinations to international conglomerates. What else has to happen so that we finally understand that in order to remain competitive it is necessary to dominate the relationship with the final client and the large- scale intermediation? Because far from being exhausted or disappearing, tour operation will continue to exist and add value to the Spanish tourism industry, even if there are those who think otherwise. I do not wish the readers to misunderstand me. By this I am not appealing for protectionist measures or business patriotism. It is about, once and for all, the tourism sector developing and sharing a strategic vision about its future, and taking advantage of all its entrepreneurial and innovative skill to capture more value than it generates and being less dependent. We have plenty of skills and talent to change things. Recent cases such as the alliance between Telefónica and Atresmedia to compete with the giants of audiovisual production are a good example. We need to be able to create collective trust and willingness to make it possible. And public officials must be up to scratch, without wanting to lead the process, but listening and facilitating the conditions for change. The debate about the benefits of tour operation is not new. But it is urgent that tourism businessmen and politicians take advantage of their own Lehman Brothers to get to the bottom of it and strengthen themselves in view of the great challenges that await us in the future. It is their obligation to have a calm and in-depth reflection, and generate the necessary alliances. The country and the taxpayers will thank them. I n exchange for ensuring high levels of employment , tourism entrepreneurs accepted strong reductions in their business margins