Nuestra NEBRIJA 31 - octubre 2019

51 mixed realities, education/ coaching and performing arts, in-depth interviews with experts who are leaders in this type of technologies and education, and attending specific events related to XR. The qualitative study derived from the interviews to experts was especially relevant when clarifying the possibilities currently offered by these technologies, which are already being implemented with great success both in the healthcare field, and in the field of audiovisual communication and art. All the experts consulted share the same opinion regarding the current enormous expansion of XR, of which they predict a very promising future. Everyone agrees that these technologies, associated with others such as artificial intelligence, Big Data and algorithm expansion, have made technology companies decide to commit firmly to them, which is leading to the market release of products that are increasingly more affordable, both economically and in usability. One of the aspects that most interested researchers was that of the immersiveness of the embodiement and sense of presence, since for drama training it is essential to provide actors and actresses with experiences that facilitate their immersion in the roles they interpret and scenarios in which they have to represent them. In this sense, virtual reality can be of great help since it has many resources and tools that can facilitate their work, such as acoustic stimuli, motion capture tracking, Kinect sensor and tactile stimuli with haptic devices, among others. Above all, they allow one to have experiences before having a live performance, which will undoubtedly be of great help for their acting training. The results of our research indicate that with current VR devices, and without making large investments, body ownership can be achieved, either through a 360º stereoscopic video or its transfer to stage and character design using Unity or Unreal software. We are moving towards a generalization of devices that integrate all the possibilities of extended reality in an ergonomic design and that are as light as sunglasses or contact lenses. Currently, small businesses have to find a balance between investment and monetization. Companies of this type should bet on storyliving with a narrative design, which could be achieved through filming with 360º cameras and a stitching of 3D photographs to be consumed through Oculus Rift or Quest; and in the advanced phases they could commit to more “sophisticated” and ad-hoc resources and services, which some companies already offer. • A project of the Nebrija Communication Research Group (INNECOM) of the School of Communication and Arts counsels a teaching company on Extended Reality as a way towards business expansion within the Check Innovation Program funded by the Community of Madrid. W e are moving towards a generalization of devices that integrate all the possibilities of extended reality