Nuestra NEBRIJA 32 - enero 2020

30 Euraxess, the European network subsidized by the European Commission, whose objective is to promote all areas related to research mobility, has just published a document about the researcher profiles applicable to any type of ins- titution, whether it be public or private, a university or a re- search center. It is a taxonomy with a hierar- chical logic that defines the different levels of researchers in a more precise way than the traditional distinction of lecturer (assistants and associate pro- fessors) or tenured lecturer (full professors), because everyone knows that the lecturer position has no equivalent from point of view of research excellence, although university agencification has meant an undoubted improve- ment in this aspect. The starting point and first category (R1) are to be a doctor. This aspect seems obvious from the rationality of research, but in the Spanish setting it is not so. What I am referring to is that in Spain achieving the degree of doctor has been, in many cases, the culmination and not the starting point of a research career. This is the case of those doctors who, when they defended their thesis, especially those prior to RD 99/2011, terminated their research career. We do not know how many doctors in Spain have the doctorate degree as a cul- mination point, but we know of many cases among university professors, as well as in other social circles, as we are regu- larly informed by the media. These cases are news, unfor- tunately, for being situations of academic dishonesty and plagiarism, among other very negative ethical and academic aspects. These types of doc- tors are not in the Euraxess ta- xonomy, although we could define them as "R-0". I suspect, but do not have the data, that, in regards to disciplines, these types of doctors appear more frequently in the legal and social sciences, huma- nities and arts. But while this issue is important due to its persis- tent relevance, let us focus on the profiles descri- bed, those research profiles whose research ca- reer starts with achieving the degree of doctor. The first profile analyzed by the document is the first stage researcher (Researcher R1), which entails a series of academic skills such as project research, the production of relevant data and the incorpo- Nebrija Research Research profiles: beyond a job classification I n S pain , the doctorate degree has been in many cases the culmination and not the starting point of a research career Juan Arturo Rubio Arostegui. Director of Nebrija University's Doctoral School