Nuestra NEBRIJA 32 - enero 2020

31 ration of critical thinking that allows the evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas, always under the supervision of a principal researcher. A second profile, (R2) would be more experien- ced and defined by the se- dimentation of the research skills and competences of the previous stage. In this second stage, new skills such as peer recognition and achieving a full degree of autonomy in the research process would be added, assuming, without the need for mentors, the develo- pment of their research career, reaching a relevant position in the transfer of knowledge and on schedule, whether it is indus- trial, business or social. The third level (R3) is defined by a high level of inde- pendence and autonomy. It is a profile whose repu- tation of academic peers is very prominent: based on the excellence of its research, R3 is fully inte- grated into the research challenges and missions of international organizations. They usually obtain re- search projects as a principal researcher in national and international calls and contribute both tangible and symbolic resources linked to the reputation of the institution to which they belong, and are able to generate a network of new researchers as a mentor. Finally, at the apex of the pyramid of the research profiles would be the leading researcher (R4). This profile defines the researcher who leads his/ her area or field of research. Heads of R&D labo- ratories in industry or principal researchers of leading groups in different academic discipli- nes would be included in this profile. These researchers will also be characterized by their substantial contribution to their field of research from a strate- gic perspective, operating as an evaluator or reviewer in high- impact journals and institutions that call for research projects. They tend to be excellent communicators outside the academic community and are able to create an innovative and creative institutional environment to carry out research in their workplace. They are obviously leaders and professional models for new genera- tions of researchers. Finally, it is a model that can serve as a tool for re- search centers, quality agencies and universities. It is also the starting point for the recognition and dis- tinction of excellence and research quality without resorting to labor categories that mask both the re- ality and excellence of research, and the diversity of the professional career of the researcher. Euraxess, the European network subsidized by the European Commission has published a document that establishes a system for describing research profiles that favors the recognition and distinction of research excellence and quality. T he principal researcher is a leader and professional model for new generations of researchers