Nuestra NEBRIJA 34 - julio 2020

39 professionals and experts in the field participated, such as Dr. Gustavo García himself, who pointed out the bases and basic formulas to use with this technology. Dr. Octavio Armas, from the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM), contributed the great experience of his team in the application of this technology in the automotive sector and, finally, Dr. Giaccomo Cerreti, from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at NASA, who showed us how important this technology is when it comes to having reliable energy where it cannot fail, in space. This training session on thermoelectricity was completed with theory and practice on Matlab-Simulink and Arduino tools, by Iñaki Fernandez de Bastida, researcher at the Stirling Center, who carried out various practical exercises to learn about thermoelectricity, thermal models and control systems. Thus, a meeting between students, professors and experts was organized around a practical multidisciplinary project. The challenge required bright students, therefore those with the best academic records were invited to take part. Their selection was undertaken through a scholarship announced by the Santander Scholarship platform. Finally, 22 excellent engineering students from six different universities -Nebrija University, the University of Castilla la Mancha, the University of Malaga, the University of the Basque Country and the Complutense and Polytechnic Universities of Madrid- were selected from among over fifty national and international candidates to receive training oriented towards science and research. The fact that so many external applications were received, including international ones, speaks volumes, firstly, of the orientation of this initiative and, secondly, of the excellent precedent left by the first edition last year. Bearing in mind the challenge posed by the unexpected situation and the confinement due to the covid-19 experienced by the Chair team, the week had to be held remotely. And here the silent but essential work of Nebrija Global Campus cannot be mentioned and thanked enough. In order for the students to carry out the individual practical exercises, a complete kit of the Arduino tool, sensors and actuators was sent to each of their homes. In addition, the week followed the format of the first edition, with morning and afternoon sessions, so it would be an immersive experience for the students and so they could fully focus on the challenge that was presented to them. However, although this individual training and practical exercise were difficult in the aforementioned conditions, it was in teamwork where these boys' and girls' human and good future professional qualities stood out, in the best Nebrija style. The winning team, made up of five students from four different universities, developed an excellent project on energy recovery through thermoelectricity, designing and sizing a thermal trap applicable to a van. This work is available on the website of the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Energy Recovery in Surface Transport. The team that made up the Chair considered that the significant effort invested -in dedication and in budget- by the II-SIIN in bringing the students closer to research was worthy it for the success achieved, and we are ready for next year’s III-SIIN. Our most sincere congratulations to all the participants whom we look forward to seeing at the award ceremony, which will be held when circumstances allow it . T he W eek was attended by the S tirling C enter , specialized in thermoelectric technology , which was the protagonist of this edition [1] U.S. Department of Energy, “Energy efficiency & renewable Energy,” 2018. . [2] R. Saidur, M. Rezaei, W. K. Muzammil, M. H. Hassan, S. Paria, and M. Hasanuzzaman, “Technologies to recover exhaust heat from internal combustion engines,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev ., vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 5649–5659, 2012. [3] C. Iniesta, “ Estudio teórico-experimental de un motor Stirling termoacústico compacto para la recuperación de energía ,” [Theoretical-experimental study of a compact ther- moacoustic Stirling motor for energy recovery] PhD Thesis. Nebrija University, Spain, 2020. [4] Gustavo García Ramos, “ Estudio de la aportación de la tecnología termoeléctrica a la mejora de la efciencia energética en la climatización del entorno doméstico ,” [Study of the contribution of thermoelectric technology to improving energy efficiency in air conditioning in the domestic environment], University of the Basque Country, 2020.