Nuestra NEBRIJA 34 - julio 2020

47 managed to learn more and better than before. For many gifted children, remote education has been an opportunity and an open window to knowledge. The teachers have acted as a general guide in the distance, giving time and space for students to investigate and learn transversally, rousing their interest from the other side of a screen. The educational system was not the best scenario for self-learning for gifted students because it did not systematically consider this learning style. Instead, the space generated for self-learning during confinement has provided an opportunity for students with intrinsic motivation for learning and with good self-regulation abilities. Therefore, during this time they have been able to direct their own acquisition of knowledge. They have been able to build on the basis of what teachers proposed, thus taking responsibility for their own learning. Beyond the limits of the textbook What educational reality have many gifted children experienced during confinement? Alone in front of the computer for a large part of their time, they have been able to develop a learning style without the rigid structure of school schedules. They have been able to learn at their own pace. They have been able to satisfy their curiosity. They have been able to go beyond the limits of the textbook thanks to the virtual world. However, despite the fact that the new learning spaces have provided an opportunity for the acquisition of knowledge for gifted children, we must be clear that this is not the ideal situation for the development of talent. An individualistic learning context that neglects express attention to socio-emotional development is not the optimal space for comprehensive psychoeducational development. For this reason, we defend that the “new normality” in education derive from what was learned before and during the pandemic. The response to the educational needs of gifted students must combine spaces for discovery and self-learning, spaces for cooperative learning, and spaces for group play. These boys and girls must be able to build an adequate social support network, and this is something that school offers naturally, since interpersonal contact is favored, thus facilitating socio-emotional development in a direct way. The inclusive post-covid-19 school has the opportunity to pursue a teaching-learning process that respects, fosters and responds to giftedness, leaving spaces for self-learning and intrinsic motivation, simultaneously facilitating socio- emotional development through the interaction of all the students. Nowmore than ever, professionals in the education system must team up with families to rethink the education of gifted children. It is time to design educational change together with everything we have learned. Real integration in schools Families and schools must integrate the different ways of facing learning within the inclusive education that gifted people so need. This will allow them to optimize their psychosocial skills and learn everything related to their socio- emotional sphere, without neglecting self-learning and discovery. A new era has begun. Society and school need gifted people, and gifted people need society and school. Covid-19 has come to remind us of this. We must understand giftedness and the role that family and school play as drivers of talent. We have an opportunity to reconstruct education based on talent development, and the educational "new normality" must understand that respect and response to diversity must be the essence of that normality . T he inclusive post - covid - 19 school has the opportunity to pursue a teaching - learning process that respects , fosters and responds to giftedness