Nuestra NEBRIJA 35 - octubre 2020

22 “We are assessing whether to take your father to the ICU. He is 72 years old: what kind of life does he lead? Does he have a useful life? Does he do anything productive?" This was the call that Susana's family, 40, recei- ved when her father was admitted to a hospital in the Community of Madrid in mid-March, due to bilateral pneumonia caused by covid-19. He spent over ninety days in the ICU. Like Susana, many other relatives of sick elderly people have suffered wondering if their elders would receive the medical treatment they deserve. Globally, the elderly is the group most affected by covid-19, both in morbidity and mortality. In the context of a health emergency, age discrimi- nation has emerged as a possible generator of social and health inequalities. Violation of human rights In April, AGE Platform Europe warned about the possible violation of the human rights of the el- derly. According to this platform, older people have the right to procedures that would save their lives, and to receive the highest possible level of healthcare. Age can never be a criterion for medical classification, and decision-making must be based on medical needs, scientific evi- dence, and ethical principles. At the height of the pandemic, Spanish hospitals faced shortages of resources, equipment and staff. In various European countries and regions of Spain, action guidelines were issued that did not always meet international ethical and scien- tific standards. These guidelines have been de- nounced for using discriminatory criteria such as age or disability. Social devaluation Different experts have warned of the negative consequences of age discrimination as a result of the covid-19 epidemic. There have been is- sues from erroneous counting in the number of deaths of the elderly, to the social devaluation of the elderly. The health crisis due to pandemic has led the health system to extreme situations in which even the criteria for treating older patients have been questioned. Even so, there have also been situations of solidarity and hope between hospital staff and patients. Guiomar Merodio Alonso Professor of the Department of Education at the School of Languages and Education Diana Valero Errazu. Ph.D Assistant Professor of the University of Zaragoza. Director of the Master's Degree in ICT for Digital Education and Learning, Nebrija University 2019/20 How to avoid age discrimination in the fight against covid-19 Nebrija in the media