Nuestra NEBRIJA 35 - octubre 2020

For over twenty years, the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Business Internationalization, with the sponsorship of Santander Bank, has been carrying out various activities to disseminate and learn more about the internationalization processes of Spanish companies. After publishing various research books on the internationalization experiences of Spanish companies in emerging markets and on direct investments abroad, the Chair begins a new collection: Cuadernos de internacionalización de empresas (Journals on the internationalization of companies). The objective of this initiative is to deepen our knowledge on the international expansion strategies followed by Spanish companies. For this, different companies’ cases, grouped by sectors, are studied, with the intention of defining their actions and strategies, identifying possible common guidelines for action, and detecting their needs to consolidate and expand their foreign presence. Given its importance in Spain's GDP, employment and foreign trade, this new collection has started by analyzing the internationalization of companies in the agri-food sector and, more specifically, in the gourmet and high-quality segment. The internationalization of four gourmet companies with different products has been studied: Verdú Cantó, packaging and marketing of high quality saffron, spices and condiments; Ferrer Internacional, traditional and artisan preserves; Ibéricos Torreón Salamanca, production of meat products; and Mueloliva, production and marketing of olive oil. These studies are available on the Chair's website and contain the history of each company’s Research and visibility of internationalization to support Spanish companies Gonzalo Solana Director of the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair in Business Internationalization 32 T he first area analyzed has been the gourmet segment of the agri - food sector Nebrija Research The new series of publications of the Nebrija-Santander Global Chair on Internationalization of Companies, Journals on the internationalization of companies , will collect the analysis of different sectors of Spanish commerce by their influence in the GDP, in the international market and by the employment generated.