Nuestra NEBRIJA 36 - enero 2021

T he impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt with great intensity in the evolution of Spanish exports, as in the rest of the economy, although unevenly by sector and type of company. The adverse effects have been very pronounced in exporting of goods, particularly in vehicles and textiles, and even in the trade of non-tourist services, an activity in which Spanish companies maintain high levels of competitiveness. But the biggest setback has been registered is in the trade of tourism services. Donde se ha registrado el mayor descalabro debido a la pandemia es en el comercio de servicios turísticos Trade in tourism services has suffered the greatest disaster due to the pandemic La pandemia por la covid-19 ha afectado a todos los mercados con gran intensidad. La actividad de muchas empresas españolas se ha visto mermada y la recuperación todavía parece incierta. Pero lo que es seguro es que el sector exterior y las exportaciones serán determinantes en esta etapa y una pieza clave para el desarrollo sostenible de España. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all markets with great intensity. The activity of many Spanish companies has been reduced and their recovery still seems uncertain. But what is certain is that the foreign sector and exports will be decisive in this stage, as well as a key piece in the sustainable development of Spain. 41 Nuestra Nebrija