Contemporary Creation in Spanish Dance


Presentation layout

Presentations should not exceed 3,000 words.

Every author will be allowed to send only one presentation proposal.

Authors are the owners of their own rights, so that they will be able to publish their material more extensively in an article or a similar piece of writing.

Layout instructions can be found in the following Word file : 
Presentation submission layout

Structure of presentations

Presentations should have the following structure:

  1. Title of the presentation

  2. Information about the author/s
    • Surname, Name
    • Institution
    • E-mail
  3. Contents of the presentation
    • Description of the object or main subject of the contribution
    • Information resources used for the presentation
    • Methodology
    • Main results. Conclusions or contributions


Spanish and English are the official languages at the Conference.


Fundación Nebrija Fundación SGAE