Double Bachelor's Degree in

CADE - Business Creation, Administration and Management + International Relations

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Double Bachelor's Degree in  CADE - Business Creation, Administration and Management + International Relations

The Double Bachelor's Degree in CADE - Business Creation, Administration and Management + International Relations has a multidisciplinary program that trains executives for the top management of international organizations, since it integrates areas such as political science, foreign policy, economics, business, administration, law and international security.

The student will get to know the heterogeneous international environment, learning to work in settings of cultural diversity. International relations and knowledge of the business world are currently connected more than ever in order to have a successful professional development in official international bodies such as the European Union.

Nebrija University offers the possibility of expanding your education by going abroad, thanks to the agreements signed with different international universities. Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States are some of the destinations with Nebrija's international perspective.

If you imagine yourself working in a diplomatic corps in your country or in a global organization, this is the ideal degree for you. It combines business management with an understanding of the complex relationships between countries. This Double Bachelor's Degree is an unbeatable combination of the management of all kinds of situations in global environments.

Ranking Forbes - Top 5 Spanish Universities Ranking Forbes University

High score teaching and internacionalization QS Stars Ranking

High score online learning QS Stars Ranking

High score employability & inclusiveness QS Stars Ranking

"1st" Spanish University in Teaching uRanking

Among the 6 best Private Universities CyD Foundation

3rd Spanish private University in transparency CyT Foundation


All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 402 credits.

First year 78 ECTS

  • First Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Company analysis
  • 6 ECTS | Fundamentals of economics
  • 6 ECTS | Technology applied to business
  • 6 ECTS | Mathematics for business
  • 6 ECTS | Competencies development seminar I
  • 6 ECTS | The Spanish Constitution and its system of law
  • 6 ECTS | Political science: power and decision structures

  • Second Semester 36 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Company and consumer behavior
  • 6 ECTS | Financial accounting
  • 6 ECTS | Law applied to business I
  • 6 ECTS | Financial Mathematics
  • 6 ECTS | Fundamentals of business creation
  • 6 ECTS | Theory of international relations: paradigms and methodology

Second year 90 ECTS

  • First Semester 48 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced english
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced financial accounting
  • 6 ECTS | Fundamentals of marketing for business
  • 6 ECTS | Implementation and launch of new companies
  • 6 ECTS | Analysis of the economic environment
  • 6 ECTS | International scenarios and globalization I
  • 6 ECTS | Structure and dynamics of the international society
  • 6 ECTS | Contemporary world

  • Second Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Business Management and Organization
  • 6 ECTS | Applied statistics
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced business english
  • 6 ECTS | Entrepreneurship and innovation management
  • 6 ECTS | Competence development seminar II
  • 6 ECTS | International economic organization
  • 6 ECTS | History of contemporary international relations

Third year 72 ECTS

  • First Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Staff and team management
  • 6 ECTS | Analytical and management accounting
  • 6 ECTS | Economic and financial business diagnosis
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced data analysis
  • 6 ECTS | Market Research
  • 6 ECTS | Trends in the global economy
  • 6 ECTS | International law in a globalized world

  • Second Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Company Tax System
  • 6 ECTS | Production and services management
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced computer management
  • 6 ECTS | Markets and financial instruments for the company
  • 6 ECTS | Development of the Participatory and Solidarity Spirit

Fourth year 84 ECTS

  • First Semester 54 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Leadership and entrepreneurial spirit
  • 6 ECTS | Strategic management
  • 6 ECTS | Integrated commercial management
  • 6 ECTS | Financial management
  • 6 ECTS | Competencies Development Seminar III
  • 18 ECTS | Professional internships
  • 6 ECTS | International organizations

  • Second Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Planning in new businesses
  • 6 ECTS | Internal entrepreneurship
  • 6 ECTS | Trends in the financing of new companies
  • 6 ECTS | Professional inte (CADE)
  • 6 ECTS | Final Research Project (CADE)

Fifth year 78 ECTS

  • First Semester 36 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | European community system
  • 6 ECTS | Información y Comunicación Internacional
  • 6 ECTS | Analysis and resolution of international conflicts
  • 6 ECTS | Institutional communication
  • 6 ECTS | Spanish foreign policy
  • 6 ECTS | International scenarios and globalization II

  • Second Semester 42 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Security and defense policies
  • 6 ECTS | International development and cooperation
  • 6 ECTS | International human rights regime
  • 6 ECTS | Diplomatic and consular law
  • 6 ECTS | Final Research Project (RI)

More information on these subjects

Electives of the undergraduate degree in CADE Choose 30 ECTS credits

  • First Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Law applied to business II
  • 6 ECTS | Economic and financial diagnosis of the company
  • 6 ECTS | Analytical and management accounting
  • 6 ECTS | International Business
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced data analysis

  • Second Semester 18 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Market and financial instruments for the company
  • 6 ECTS | Analysis of the Spanish and European Union economy
  • 6 ECTS | Administration of the family business
Electives of the undergraduate degree in International Relations Choose 30 ECTS

  • First Semester 30 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Elective 1:
    • Institutional communication
    • History of the big legal systems: Continental and Anglo-Saxon
  • 6 ECTS | Elective 2: History of the big legal systems: Continental and Anglo-Saxon

  • Second Semester 18 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Elective 4:
    • Introduction to European Community Law
    • Diplomatic and consular law
  • 6 ECTS | Elective 5:
    • International human rights regime
    • Emerging rights: the new challenges of Law
    • Private international law
  • 6 ECTS | Elective 6:
    • Information and international communication
    • New technologies and the information society
Competence development seminar 18 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS | Competence development seminar I
  • 6 ECTS | Competence development seminar II
  • 6 ECTS | Competence development seminar III
Development of the Participatory and Solidarity Spirit 6 ECTS

The recognition of 6 credits will be managed based on the different activities that the student develops throughout his career. They will be awarded for cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation university activities, or for taking one of the following subjects: Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Eval. of the Development of Capacities in the Company

Program whose objective is to promote the practical training of students, under the continuous supervision of the Department of Professional Careers of the University, the academic department corresponding to the degree and the collaborating company or institution where the internships are carried out. Advice is given on the choice of practices and monitoring and tutoring is carried out, always taking into account the professional orientation of each student.

More Information on Internships in Companies
Final Research Project 12 ECTS

This work involves the development of research tasks and different subjects by the student under the advice of one or more professors from the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility of choosing a project among those offered.

Diploma in English Professional Communication

Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.

It corresponds to level C1.

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University Life in CADE - Business Creation, Administration and Management + International Relations

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