Nebrija Chair
> Español


The Nebrija-Santander Global Chair on Business Internationalization

Promotes and coordinates activities related to the research and dissemination of knowledge on foreign actions of Spanish companies and with the university training in the international performance of companies, identifying their guidelines and most relevant aspects, and disseminating best practices.

For this, actions such as the following are carried out: design and participation in specific academic forums, development of publications and collections, organization of training meetings for students and professors, and holding of dissemination sessions aimed at Spanish SMEs.

Objectives of the Chair

Actively contribute to the knowledge of the internationalization process of Spanish companies, serving as a meeting and reference forum on internationalization issues between the university and business world.

Specific objectives
  • Study and preparation of cases on multinational companies and their internationalization process.
  • Forums and meetings with institutions, researchers and members of the business sector with a presence abroad.
  • Dissemination of information and reflections on the business presence in the global world.
  • Collaboration with leading institutions and actors in the external expansion of the business fabric.
  • Compilation and dissemination of best practices of companies in their access to global markets.
  • Information center on the internationalization of companies, through the preparation of books and documents, the making of presentations, the contribution of indicators of the economic situation and web links, etc.


Closed Call Nebrija-Santander Scholarships Summer Course: “Global Challenges in an Environment of Uncertainty”

The Antonio de Nebrija University and Banco Santander are offering FOUR (4) scholarships to attend the international economics summer course, “Global Challenges in an Environment of Uncertainty.” This course, organized by the UIMP and sponsored by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, will be held from July 1 to 5, 2024, at the iconic Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander.
Interested applicants must register through the Santander Scholarships portal (

[Terms and Conditions]
11/07/2022Presentation of the book: Iberian Internationalization 2021 [Book]
22/06/2022Article Deglobalization or New Globalization? - Five days [Article]
18 and 19/05/2022V Internationalization Research Conference [Program]
16/11/2021III Meeting of the Bank of Spain Internationalization Researchers Network [Program]
10/11/2021Presentation of the book Internacionalización empresas alimentación gran consumo [Program]
24/06/2021Company internationalization logbooks: gran consumo [AGROSEVILLA]
19 and 20/05/2021IV Internationalization Research Conference [Program]
26/04/2021Internationalization Article - Cinco Días [Article]
20/01/2021Book: Internationalization of gourmet companies[Book]
