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Coronavirus: access to official information

In order to make the properly updated official information more accessible, we have compiled the links to the main authorized sources of information:

World Health Organization

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Community of Madrid

Information about the Course Start


Presencialidad Híbrida para alumnos Nebrija

Medidas COVID

Madrid Guarantee seal: "Compliance Measures", "Extraordinary Measures" and "Solidarity Actions"


Nebrija University is the only university in the Community of Madrid that has received the three certificates that make up the Madrid Guarantee seal: ‘Compliance Measures’, ‘Extraordinary Measures’ and ‘Solidarity Actions’. This certification is granted by the Government of the Community of Madrid to certify that Nebrija University complies with all safety regulations and measures against the threat of COVID-19, even extraordinary ones, on all its campuses, and that it has also launched solidarity measures during the pandemic.

More information from official sources

Information about Coronavirus [Source: Ministry of Health]