image signal of different tones, between white (hyperechogenic: gas, bone surface) and black (anechoic: liquid) depending on the different degrees of absorption. and ultrasound reflection.
In the 1990s, it began to be used by physicians, not necessarily radiologists, to search for post-traumatic abdominal and thoracic injuries.
In the second half of the same decade, the term FAST (Focused Abdominal Ultrasound in Trauma) was modified from the acronym A for "abdominal" to A for Assessment.
So, the E-FAST became Extended Focused Assessment Ultrasound in Trauma. On a patient with an abrupt-appearing clinical case treated at the accident site, an emergency ultrasound with the E-FAST protocol allows diagnostic guidance, optimizes the management of critical situations, and orients referral to the most convenient hospital service.
The workshop takes place in one day
At the end of the practical workshop, the student will be able to:
Course with a face-to-face workshop structure of 8 hours, in which the basic theoretical concepts will be taught at the beginning of the course and before each practical exercise.
Basic skills are acquired to understand the physical principles of ultrasound imaging by practicing the maneuvers to be acquired, on a rotating basis with a reduced number of students for each accredited instructor.
The competences to be learned in order to apply an E-FAST emergency ultrasound are taught in a practical way.
The evaluation includes: