Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering + MIM

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Master's Degree in  Industrial Engineering + MIM

The Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering + Master in Management trains new industry leaders in the 21st century

It is a pioneer program in our country that integrates engineering, technology and business, with practical training from the very first day. The Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering qualifies the student for the profession of Industrial Engineer in accordance with current legislation, and expands that training with the MBA, combining engineering and business in a multidisciplinary curriculum that qualifies one to lead any industrial project in an international environment.

The career path of Nebrija University's Higher Polytechnic School guarantees a first-level teaching staff, renovated facilities in the center of Madrid and the security of developing the skills and abilities of two degrees in two years. This ambitious program offers the possibility of an international stay in California to study the Berkeley University Certificate, with subjects in digital competences, in addition to having the support of companies or institutions such as Telefónica, Acciona, BOSCH, Iberdrola and Santander.

Testimonies Our students and professors think of the Degree

Employability Discover the most demanded professional opportunities.

University Life Discover recent activities, events, and projects

International experience Study an entire course outside of Spain.

Ranking Forbes - Top 5 Spanish Universities Ranking Forbes University

High score teaching and internacionalization QS Stars Ranking

High score online learning QS Stars Ranking

High score employability & inclusiveness QS Stars Ranking

"1st" Spanish University in Teaching uRanking

Among the 6 best Private Universities CyD Foundation

3rd Spanish private University in transparency CyT Foundation


The student must take 165 credits

First Year 78 ECTS

  • First Semester | 39 ECTS credits
  • 6 ECTS | Energy sources and environmental impact
  • 6 ECTS | Fluid machines and installations
  • 6 ECTS | Structure design and calculation
  • 6 ECTS | Industrial instrumentation
  • 6 ECTS | Financial and cost accounting
  • 3 ECTS | Strategic Marketing Management (MIM)

  • Second Semester | 39 ECTS credits
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced machine and engine design
  • 6 ECTS | Production organization and management
  • 6 ECTS | Industrial chemical processes
  • 6 ECTS | Electrical engineering
  • 6 ECTS | Automated process control
  • 6 ECTS | Dirección estratégica internacional ( MiM)
  • 3 ECTS | Ecosistemas de innovación tecnológica ( MiM)

Second Year 87 ECTS

  • First Semester | 39 ECTS
  • 6 ECTS | Construction and infrastructure
  • 6 ECTS | Advanced facilities
  • 3 ECTS | Transportation engineering
  • 6 ECTS | Integrated manufacturing systems
  • 3 ECTS | Industrial plants
  • 3 ECTS | Dirección de RRHH (MiM)
  • 6 ECTS | Métodos cuantitativos y decisiones de negocios (MiM)
  • 3 ECTS | Esp 1: Dirección de marketing II: entorno internacional
  • 3 ECTS | Esp 2: Analítica de datos y decisiones de marketing

  • Second Semester | 48 ECTS
  • 18 ECTS | Professional internships
  • 12 ECTS | Master's final research project
  • 3 ECTS | Esp 3: Dirección comercial y desarrollo de negocios globales
  • 3 ECTS | Esp 4: Estrategias de e-business en la economía global
  • 6 ECTS | Prácticas empresariales. (MiM)
  • 6 ECTS | TFM (MiM)

University Life in Industrial Engineering + MIM

Visit all the Activities of the Higher Polytechnic School

“Nebrija Experts: We have lost 100 years with the electric car”

Antonio Calvo Roy, director of information relations, Roberto Álvarez Fernández, coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Nebrija University, and Fernando Tomé Bermejo, dean of the School of Social Sciences, discuss the evolution of the electric car.

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