Nebrija Research Group

Applied Research in Engineering and Computational Science

Centro de Investigación Centro de Investigación

ARIES Research Group Acronym: ARIES

Summary and Research Lines


The ARIES Research Center belongs to the Higher Polytechnic School of the Nebrija University of Madrid. Its activity focuses on teaching and research within the area of ​​computer science and applied engineering. This seeks to provide support to different problems present in the Industry and at the Research level, in sectors such as Bioengineering, Materials Engineering, Aerospace or Maritime. To this end, technological solutions are developed related to data and text analysis, system simulation, creation or optimization of algorithms and the generation of tissue equivalents.

Main research lines:

The ARIES research group focuses its research on technological solutions, to solve problems related to data analysis and engineering, prediction of results, model generation, biofabrication techniques, computational geometries and image analysis.

Research lines:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Engineering: Practical implementation of AI in engineering, focusing on process automation, supply chain optimization, and enhancing energy efficiency.
  • Maritime Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Utilizing AI in the maritime industry for autonomous navigation, predictive maintenance, environmental monitoring, and efficient management of marine resources.
  • Bioinspired Modeling Creating and modeling structures inspired by biological systems, such as bone scaffolds and other bioengineered tissues.
  • Bioinformatics for Disease Analysis: Studying omics data (transcriptomics, genomics, epigenomics, etc.) to uncover molecular factors contributing to diseases like cancer.
  • Data Science and Biomedical Inference: Analyzing large medical datasets, such as hospitalization records and pathological correlations, to derive insights and predictions.
  • Advanced Additive Manufacturing: Innovating microextrusion deposition techniques, developing customized solutions, and generating self-created G-CODEs for non-planar deposition, bioprinting, and scaffolding with multiple components.
  • Biomanufacturing: Designing in vitro tissue equivalents for regenerative medicine, drug trials, and alternative methods to animal testing. This involves creating new biomaterials and methodologies for manufacturing.
  • Biomedical Image Segmentation and Analysis: Detecting patterns, anomalies, and characteristics in medical and biological images. This includes extracting and refining 3D models from DICOM files.

Head PI

PhD. Nieves Cubo Mateo ORCID Christian Velasco Gallego

PI assistant

PhD. Christian Velasco Gallego
ORCID Alex Bernadi


Alex Bernadi Forteza
Jaime Alvarez Benayas


PhD. Jaime Alvarez Benayas AA

Doctoral student

D. Ataher Abdulaziz Akrima

Collaborating researcher

Miguel López-Benítez

Collaborating researcher

Ángel F. García-Fernández

Collaborating researcher

Beatriz Navas de Maya