Marta Perlado

School of Communication and Arts

"La comunicación tiene hoy un papel relevante en la sociedad pero en los próximos años será una disciplina esencial para cualquier organización."
"Communication today has a relevant role in society but in the coming years it is an essential discipline for any organization."
Marta Perlado Decana de la School of Communication and Arts
Marta Perlado Dean of the School of Communication and Arts
School of Communication and Arts

"Learning by doing" philosophy, experience the profession by exercising it

Our students work in the organization of events (the Festival of Youths Touched by Advertising and the AdN Short Film Festival, among others), they experience the effectiveness of teamwork and practice communicative skills on a daily basis in all their dimensions.

The curricula include practical subjects directly related to the professional training in the first academic year and our programs attend to the professional profiles demanded by the current sector.

Committed to our students' objectives

Our commitment is to form a successful team with the student and to achieve his/her goals, which will also be ours. We have professional teachers from the sector who promote an innovative teaching methodology, dynamic and participative teaching, with facilities designed for the student's professional development (television set, radio studio, multimedia rooms and design and post-production laboratories).

Marta Perlado Dra. Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa Dean of the School of Communication and Arts

Communication and Arts Campus in Madrid-San Francisco de Sales

A distinctive and renovated venue in an exceptional location. The School of Communication and Arts has found its new home on Paseo de San Francisco de Sales, boasting cutting-edge equipment and facilities. This hub serves as a convergence point for Communication, Advertising, and the Arts, empowering students to transform their passion into reality..

The School's degree programs will commence at this new Campus for the academic year 2024/25.

Nebrija University's School of Communication and Arts has been an associate member of ATIC (Spanish Association of Universities with Information and Communication Degrees) since 2014. This association that was created in 2011 with the purpose of promoting university studies in Information and Communication Sciences, both in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, promoting the quality of degrees and establish links between national and international organizations and institutions in the area of communication.

In its latest edition, Nebrija University hosted the annual ATIC assembly at its Madrid-Princesa Campus.

The 5th ATIC Training and Employment Conference will be held in Zaragoza on November 15 and 16, 2023 and deals with a highly topical subject in the sector: Artificial Intelligence and its implications in the area of Communication. During this 5th ATIC Training and Employment Conference, the ATIC Annual General Assembly will also be held.

Specific measures applicable to the use and operation of audiovisual equipment, facilities and services of radio and television studios

Organisational structure

Marta Perlado

Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa

Decana Dean
Marta Saavedra Llamas

Marta Saavedra Llamas

Vicedecana Vice Dean

Departamento de Publicidad Advertising Department
Fernando Toledano Cuervas Mons

Fernando Toledano Cuervas-Mons

Director del Departamento de Publicidad Head of the Advertising Department
Inés Arranz Rodríguez

Inés Arranz Rodríguez

Directora del Head of the Master's Degree in Integrated Advertising Management
Gemma Barón

Gemma Barón Dulce

Directora del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
Fernando Bonete Vizcaíno

Fernando Bonete Vizcaíno

Director del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Corporate Communication, Protocol and Event Organization
Tania Brandariz Portela

Tania Brandariz Portela

Directora del Head of the Master's Degree in Marketing and Digital Advertising
Jorge de Blas García

Jorge de Blas García

Director del Head of the Master's Degree in Organization and Event Management
Diana Sánchez Serrano

Diana Sánchez Serrano

Directora del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations
Departamento de Comunicación Communications Department
Nicolás Grijalba

Nicolás Grijalba de la Calle

Director del Departamento de Comunicación Head of the Communication Department

Luis Alonso Martín-Romo

Director del Head of the Master's Degree in Journalism in TV
Eduardo Castillo Lozano

Eduardo Castillo Lozano

Director del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism
Rocio Gago Gelado

Rocio Gago Gelado

Directora del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communications
Laura Martínez Otón

Laura Martínez Otón

Directora del Head of the Master's Degree in Radio, Podcasts and Digital Audio
Acoidan Méndez Jiménez

Acoidan Méndez Jiménez

Director del Head of the Master's Degree in Direction and Production of Fiction Series
Celia Sancho Belinchón

Celia Sancho Belinchón

Directora del Head of the Master's Degree in Digital and Data Journalism
Antonio Vaquerizo

Antonio Vaquerizo Mariscal

Director del Head of the Master's Degree in Sports Journalism and Broadcasting
Departamento de Artes Arts Department
Pablo Álvarez de Toledo Múller

Pablo Álvarez de Toledo Muller

Director del Departamento de Arte Head of the Art department
Antonio Sierra Queimadelos

Antonio Sierra Queimadelos

Director del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts
Juan Ferrando Garrido

Juan Ferrando Garrido

Director del Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design
Lorena Palomino González

Lorena Palomino González

Directora del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts Apoyo Personal Docente Investigador de Grado Undergraduate Teaching Researcher Personal Support
Amaya Hernández Sigüenza

Amaya Hernández Sigüenza

Directora del Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Digital and Multimedia Design
José Luis Guijarro Alonso

José Luis Guijarro Alonso

Director del Head of the Master's Degree in Art Market and Management of Related Companies
Laura Soto Gutiérrez

Laura Soto Gutiérrez

Apoyo Personal Docente Investigador de Grado Undergraduate Teaching Researcher Personal Support
Tania M. Barroso Asenjo

Tania M. Barroso Asenjo

Técnico de Laboratorio de Artes Arts Laboratory Technician
Sandra López Rodríguez

Sandra López Rodríguez

Técnico de Laboratorio de Artes Art Laboratory Technician
Unidad de Investigación Research Unit
Carlos Jiménez Narros

Carlos Jiménez Narros

Vicedecano de Investigación Facultad de Comunicación y Artes School of Communication and Arts Vice Dean
Eglee A. Ortega Fernández

Eglee A. Ortega Fernández

IP Grupo de Investigación Nebrija: Innovación en Comunicación y Medios IP Nebrija Research Group: Innovation in Communication and Media
Amelia Meléndez Táboas

Amelia Meléndez Táboas

IP Grupo de Investigación Nebrija Estudios Transversales en Creación Contemporánea Nebrija Cross-sectional studies in Contemporary Creation Group Research Main Researcher
Mercedes Herrero de la Fuente

Mercedes Herrero de la Fuente

Directora del Doctorado. Investigadora del Grupo de Investigación Nebrija: Innovación en Comunicación y Medios Director of the Doctorate. Researcher of the Nebrija Research Group: Innovation in Communication and Media
María del Carmen Llovet Rodríguez

María del Carmen Llovet Rodríguez

Investigadora del Grupo Investigación Nebrija: Innovación en Comunicación y Medios Researcher of the Nebrija Research Group: Innovation in Communication and Media
Juana Rubio Romero

Juana Rubio Romero

Investigadora del Grupo de Investigación Nebrija: Innovación en Comunicación y Medios Researcher of the Nebrija Research Group: Innovation in Communication and Media
Unidad de Prácticas Internships Unit
Mar Ramos Rodríguez

Mar Ramos Rodríguez

Coordinadora Académica Prácticas profesionales FCA Academic coordinator Internships FCA
Marta González Caballero

Marta González Caballero

Tutora Académica de Prácticas del Departamento de Comunicación Academic Tutor of internships of the Department of Communication
Ángel Zaragoza García

Ángel Zaragoza García

Tutor Académico de Prácticas del Departamento de Publicidad Academic Tutor of internships of the Department of Advertising
Luis Gárciga Romay

Luis Gárciga Romay

Tutor Académica de Prácticas del Departamento de Artes Academic Tutor of internships of the Department of Arts
Unidad Internacional International Unit
Sonia Lázaro Vaquerizo

Sonia Lázaro Vaquerizo

Coordinadora Internacional International Coordinator
Unidad de Calidad Quality Unit
María Bergaz Portolés

María Bergaz Portolés

Coordinadora Calidad Quality Coordinator
Unidad de Factoría Nebrija Factoría Nebrija

Contenidos y Redes

Contents and Networks

Andy Tavárez Pérez

Andy Tavárez Pérez

Coordinador Académico de Contenidos y Redes Academic Coordinator of Content and Networks

Estudio Radio y TV

Radio and TV studio

Borja del Real Rosa

Borja del Real Rosa

Director de Estudio Radio y TV Radio and TV Studio Director
Diego Prior Espín

Diego Prior Espín

Técnico de Estudio Radio y TV Radio and TV Studio Technician
Luis Pimentel Salcedo

Luis Pimentel Salcedo

Técnico de Estudio Radio y TV Radio and TV Studio Technician


Luis Pimentel Salcedo

Luis Pimentel Salcedo

Coordinador académico Nebrija Medialab Coordinador académico Nebrija Medialab

Eventos AEU

AEU Events

Myriam Borrachero Villar

Myriam Borrachero Villar

Coordinadora de Actividades de extensión Universitaria y Eventos Coordinator of University Extension Activities and Events
Unidad de Secretaría Secretary Unit
Yolanda Antón Soldevilla

Yolanda Antón Soldevilla

Secretaría Decanato Deanery Secretariat

Margarita Rodríguez Soria

Secretaría Calidad, Doctorado e Investigación Academic Secretariat Quality, Doctorate and Research
Raquel Díez Girado

Raquel Díez Girado

Responsable Secretaría Académica Head of Academic Secretariat

Beatriz Cebrián Carmona

Secretaría Académica de Grado Degree Academic Secretariat

Isabel M Domínguez Pulido

Secretaría Académica de Postgrado Postgraduate Academic Secretariat

Nebrija Code

Students of the Bachelor's Degree in Corporate Communication, Protocol and Event Organization annually hold Nebrija Code. The objective of the activity is to implement and publicize the professional world of Corporate Communication and Protocol, creating a direct relationship between students and agencies, media and industry professionals.

Meetings with professionals

Throughout their studies, the students of the Advertising degrees have meetings with professionals from different areas:


Arts Department Activities

02 / 03 / 2020Public call: Artist in Residence

The Arts Department of the School of Communication and Arts at Nebrija University announces an artistic residence for emerging artists at its Berzosa campus.

+ Info

2nd edition of Nebrija Awards for the Cultural Industry

Date: 06/06/2019.
Nebrija University, through the Art Department of the School of Communication and Arts, gives out the Nebrija Awards to the Cultural Industry.

See Poster

Communication and Arts Week Flashmob

Communication and Arts Week Flashmob.

Nebrija Escena

Nebrija Escena is a project of the Art Department of the Antonio de Nebrija University that aims to promote artistic practice through the production of plays of different formats, styles and aesthetics.

Fashion Show for Students of Fashion Design

Arts students star in the artistic fashion show of the Communication and Arts Week, organized by the School of Communication and Arts.
The central courtyard of the Princesa Campus was transformed into a catwalk for a few hours, an artistic drawing studio, a stage and the interior spaces became the backstage and the makeup and hairdressing salon.
The first and second-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design organized and starred together with students of the Fine Arts, Performing Arts, and Digital and Multimedia Design degrees in the fashion show and the performances in order to show part of the work carried out in the classrooms. The fashion show was carried out by twenty-three students of the Bachelor's degree in Fashion, who presented a selection of looks and pieces of clothing, and seven students of Fine Arts who presented bodypainting designs.

Unplanned Cycle

The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts have participated in Unplanned Cycle, an activity from the subject Body Education I in the first year of the Degree. It is a show of real-time composition of music and dance, and the production of analysis and written reflection. A creation where everything happens in the present moment, where artistic expression is born from the permanent listening to internal rhythms and the connection to everything that surrounds us: public, sounds, silence, looks...

Ciclo Imprevisto

San Rafael-Nebrija University Center of Health Sciences

The 4th-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts participated in the Disability and Inclusion conference, collaborating in an inclusive workshop, staging the life of San Juan de Dios with members of the GARAYE theater group of the San Juan de Dios Center in Valladolid. The opening ceremony was presented by Jesús Celada Pérez, General Director of Disability Support Policies of the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare. Then there was a participatory debate in which the performing arts project carried out last year was analyzed, and how the arts, in this case, were an excellent tool for cognitive accessibility.

Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud San Rafael-Nebrija

University to Scene. Royal Theater

The first-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts participated in the training program of the Royal Theater, University to Scene. This activity aims to teach the process of construction and representation of an opera from the inside, as well as be a place of debate and meeting in which students can contribute a personal and creative vision based on their academic knowledge. Thanks to this initiative, our students have been able to be a part of the work team that builds the opera, which has given them practical knowledge in the first year on the degree.

Universidad a Escena. Teatro Real

Casa de América

The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication directed by Professor Ana Fernández Valbuena, participated in the theater piece Patria y Matria, a tribute to the Hispanic-Chilean painter Roser Bru, in the presentation of the monograph Theaters of Spanish exile (1939.2019), issue no. 52 of the magazine Las puertas del drama.
The event took place in the Casa de America. Participants were also: Manuel Signes, director of Las puertas del Drama; Ignacio del Moral, president of the Theater Authors Association; María Teresa Santa María, member of the Literary Exile Studies Group (Gexel), Autonomous University of Barcelona; and Beatriz Bergamín, actress and playwright.

Casa de América

Thyssen-Bornesmiza Museum

The 4th-year students of the Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts made a visit-workshop to the Thyssen-Bornemisza museum within the framework of the action proposals in the subject Teaching Performing Arts. The tour of the Museum has favored the reading of the pictorial space as a scenic space, where the pictorial elements are read as actors and actresses, the person that creates the work is who directs the scene, and spectators can be placed in an active place thanks to their imagination.

Museo Thyssen-Bornesmiza


The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts hold different exhibitions throughout their studies, it is a pre-professional experience that prepares them for the labor market.



Meetings with professionals

Throughout their studies, students of the Art degrees have meetings with professionals from different areas:

Meeting Paco Becerra

Meeting 2nd Skin

Meeting Daniel Canogar



The academic staff of the Faculty of Communication and Arts is composed of both full-time and part-time faculty members.

Most full-time faculty are holders of doctorates with a keen dedication to teaching and research. These faculty members specialise in domains relating to the qualifications awarded by the Faculty, such as journalistic writing/editing, specialised journalism, history of the media, design, creativity, audience research, media planning, and research implementation, production and methodology.

Part-time faculty members are usually practising professionals currently tied to media groups and they teach more on-the-job subjects and workshops.

The hallmark of the Faculty of Communication and Arts is that it takes a preeminently practical approach to its programme, close to the occupational reality. It is therefore important that its faculty members have wide-ranging professional experience, and are able to transmit and leverage that knowledge in the lecture room.

The subjects taught in English are the responsibility of specialised faculty members, while staff in charge of the Professional Skills Seminars are experts in the realm of communications and executive skills.


Research Groups

The School devotes part of its effort to research tasks, as a fundamental complement to teaching. These tasks are structured around the existing Research Groups, which are part of the official register of the University, and which materialize in research projects with companies and public institutions of the sector.

Consult here the lines of activity and research groups


The School’s professors usually publish publications related to their research as an essential part of their activity at the University.

Consult here the most recent publications

News in Communication and Arts

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