The School of Languages and Education of Nebrija University carries out its teaching and its research in areas that combine Cultural Management, Education and Applied Languages.
It stands out for a dynamic, creative, intercultural and multidisciplinary teaching that will enhance the student's creativity and talent as well as his/her professional training.
Our degrees are directed towards communication, in its broadest sense, through artistic creation, culture and language, and towards teacher training, always in a practical, applied and innovative manner.
Our interdisciplinary approach allows us to prepare students to work and develop their creativity in the multilingual and multicultural European space, in academic, artistic, technological, cultural, business environments, specifically those of management and communication and marketing.
The multidisciplinary nature of the School of Languages and Education is reflected in the offer of double degrees, coordinated with the School of Law and International Relations, the School of Communication and Arts and the Polytechnic School, and designed to expand the student's professional result.
The professional profile of its graduates integrates leadership skills, teamwork, integration in digital networks and practical use of technological resources of all those areas.
The School of Languages and Education is made up of the Department of Applied Languages and Education.
Susana Martín Dean of the School of Languages and Education
The teaching staff of the degrees in the School of Languages and Education is composed of a group of professors appropriate for the number of students and the characteristics of the degrees.
In addition to PhD professors, with dedication to research, the degrees have an expert faculty in the fields of professional activity, directly linked to the profile of proposed graduation.
The subjects in English in the curriculum of the different degrees are taught by university professors with teaching skills in that language.
Finally, the professors in charge of the Seminars of Professional Competencies are specialists in the field of Communication, managerial skills, adjusting to the different professional competencies of the Degrees.
The School devotes part of its effort to research tasks, as a fundamental complement to teaching. These tasks are structured around the existing Research Groups, which are part of the official register of the University, and which materialize in research projects with companies and public institutions of the sector.
Consult here the lines of activity and research groupsThe School’s professors usually publish publications related to their research as an essential part of their activity at the University.
Consult here the most recent publications