The program offers the professors specific guidelines for confronting the principal behavioral problems that can be found in the classroom (lack of discipline, challenging authority, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, etc.), becoming an expert in conflict mediation.
Currently in the different Autonomous Regions, diverse actions aimed at the improvement of school coexistence are being put into motion. With this master’s degree the student will be capable of responding to the demands established in the legislation with respect to the Center’s Coexistence Plan.
The pedagogical model of the master's degree is based on research in executive intelligence. The program offers teachers specific guidelines to deal with the main behavior problems that they may encounter in the classroom (lack of discipline, defiance of authority, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), becoming an expert in conflict mediation.
Student profile: Master’s degree aimed at professionals of education concerned with the improvement in coexistence and the reduction of conflicts in educational centers.
Admission profile: The admission profile for the University Master's Degree in Behavior Problems in Educational Centers from the Antonio de Nebrija University is defined as follows: All applicants who meet the requirements imposed by current legislation may access the Master's Program in Behavior Problems in Educational Centers; candidates must be graduates of an associate’s degree, bachelor's degree, or master's degree in Education, Social Work or Psychology.
Graduate profile: The graduate profile is defined in the following terms: Professionals with solid training in preventing and addressing conflicts in educational centers through the use of different intervention techniques aimed at the management and resolution of conflicts at various educational levels and contexts. Graduates of the University Master's Degree in Behavior Problems in Educational Centers will have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to prevent and address different conflicts in educational contexts, promoting and improving school coexistence, which will have an impact on the improvement of their teaching. This is, therefore, a well-defined graduate profile, that of someone who will be able to carry out his/her work in the educational field, in a formal or non-formal setting, complementing the training received in preventing and responding to the different behavioral problems that can be found in educational contexts (lack of discipline, defiance of authority, disruptive behavior in the classroom, school violence, bullying, attention deficit disorder, behavioral disorder, etc.). In addition, through this postgraduate training, students will acquire skills to perform advisory functions and/or work on the Coexistence Plan, as well as to adapt the knowledge and skills acquired to other professional fields. Thus, they will be able to carry out their professional career in Early Childhood, Primary and/or Secondary Education centers, psychopedagogical consulting offices, school coexistence commissions, mediation teams, leisure and free time centers, among others.
Official Degree:Master’s Degree in Behavioral Problems in Educational Centers
Center responsible:School of Language and Education
Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
Academic year it was introduced: 2020
Openings available:: 300
Total Credits:60 credits.
Minimum of 12 ECTS credits and maximum of 60 ECTS credits per enrollment and academic period.
Type of Education: Online
Academic Regulations: General student’s regulations. Credit transfer and recognition. Regulation of student participation. Common procedures for carrying out the Final Research Project
University Services: [+info]
The student must complete 60 credits
Profesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
63 | 73,01% |
In accordance with Royal Decree 43/2015 and Royal Decree 861/2010, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education, as well as the Royal Decree 1027/2011, which establishes the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES), Master's degrees must guarantee the acquisition of the following basic competences:
Subject 1. Behavior problems in the classroom
Subject 2. Models and strategies for prevention and intervention in behavior problems.
Subject 3. Professional internship.
Subject 4. Master’s Thesis.
The admission routes and requirements into Master's level teachings are those set out in Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29, with its subsequent modification in Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2, which establishes the planning of official university teachings.
For its part, the admission profile for the Master's Degree in Behavioral Problems in Educational Centers at the Antonio de Nebrija University is as follows:
All applicants who meet the requirements imposed by current legislation will be able to access the Master's Degree in Behavioral Problems in Educational Centers, and the candidates must be graduates (associate's, undergraduate, bachelor's or master's degree) in Education, Social Work or Psychology.
As established in Article 16 of RD 1393/2007, modified by RD 861/2010, students who meet any of the following conditions will be able to access Master's degree studies:
As a general rule, the admission documentation will be submitted to the Admissions Department.
The student must provide the originals or certified copies of the documentation submitted within the deadline established by the University in order to formalize their enrollment. Any inaccuracy, falsity or omission of information, statement or document provided by the student in the admission period will determine the impossibility of continuing to exercise the right from the moment the University has proof of such facts, proceeding to the cancellation of the application for admission submitted and the place awarded, notwithstanding the criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities that may arise.
In order to access the official university master's degrees, it is necessary to submit the following documentation:
Foreign students:
In the event that the studies with which the pre-registration for the Master's degree is accessed are completed in a Foreign Higher Education institution, both the diploma and the academic record (grades) must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system of the country of origin.
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places offered, the student's academic record (average grade) will be taken as an admission criterion.
Therefore, anyone interested in accessing the Master's Degree in Behavioral Problems in Educational Centers must present their academic record, since it will be the average grade therein that decides their admission to the Master's degree, in the event that the number of applications exceed the number of places offered.
Once the places are full, if there are more people interested in accessing the degree, they will be put on the waiting list for possible vacancies that may arise before the start of the academic year, for which the admission and selection criteria detailed in point 4 will be applied for the rest of applicants.
In addition to the evaluation of the academic merits provided by the candidate, students must take the following tests that are part of the admission process.
In addition to the evaluation of the academic merits provided by the candidate (20%), the students must have a personal interview (80%), held by the Director of the Program or by University advisers. This interview is aimed at verifying the suitability of the candidate and their profile in accordance with the degree. This is done in order to determine if the candidate has sufficient motivation, training and knowledge, abilities, aptitudes, communication skills, extracurricular activities and future interests necessary to be admitted as a student of the Nebrija University postgraduate programs.
In addition, non-Spanish-speaking foreign students must take a Spanish language placement test in order to know their real level of language. It will not be necessary for the candidate to take the language placement test if he/she submits a certification that accredits knowledge of the Spanish language at B2 level of the CEFR. The level accreditation will be validated through the official diplomas admitted in the table of certificates accepted by ACLES and/or Instituto Cervantes.
In order to access this Admission Process, candidates must accredit having a degree (associate's, undergraduate, bachelor's or master's degree) in Education, Social Work or Psychology.
Graduates of the Master's Degree in Behavioral Problems in Educational Centers will have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to prevent and address various conflicts in educational contexts, promoting and improving school coexistence, which will have an impact on the improvement of their teaching. Therefore, this is a well-defined graduate profile, and they will be able to carry out their work in the educational field, in a formal or non-formal context, complementing the training received in order to prevent and respond to the different behavioral problems that can occur in educational contexts (lack of discipline, defiance of authority, disruptive behavior in the classroom, school violence, bullying, attention deficit disorder, antisocial behavior, etc.). In addition, through this postgraduate training, students will acquire skills to perform advisory functions and/or work on the Coexistence Plan, as well as to adapt the knowledge and skills acquired to other professional fields.
In this way, they will be able to carry out their professional career in Early Childhood, Primary and/or Secondary Education centers, psychopedagogical guidance offices, school coexistence commissions, mediation teams, leisure and free time centers, among others.
In addition to the evaluation of the academic merits provided by the candidate (20%), the students must have a personal interview (80%), carried out by the Director of the Program or by University advisers; this interview is aimed at verifying the candidate's suitability and profile in accordance with the degree. This is done to determine if the candidate has sufficient motivation, training and knowledge, abilities, aptitudes, communication skills, extracurricular activities and future interests necessary to be admitted as a student in the Nebrija University postgraduate programs.
Non-Spanish-speaking foreign students must take a Spanish language placement test in order to know their actual language knowledge. It will not be necessary for the candidate to take the language placement test if he/she submits a certification that accredits knowledge of a CEFR B2 level in the Spanish language. The level accreditation will be validated through the official diplomas admitted in the table of certificates accepted by ACLES and/or Instituto Cervantes.
Second chapter of the video podcast specialized in Education that discusses emotions in the classroom and how they affect the training process.
o Study carried out by the Institute of Emotional Intelligence and Applied Neuroscience on the use of emotional education in Spanish classrooms and its importance.
See article