This Master's Degree responds to a professional and research need within the framework of the analysis and resolution of conflicts, both on the national and international level. Its most significant element is the training of mediators.
The program's teaching and research approach is multidisciplinary, as it is accessible to professionals and researchers from all areas of the social sciences.
Read +Currently, the training of professionals in mediation is a need demanded by public and private institutions that must respond to a multitude of conflicts in different areas.
This program has specific training on mediation, as an alternative method in the resolution of disputes. This method needs some particular skills that will be acquired in the master's degree. In this way, the program includes the requirements that allow the graduate to officially register as a Mediator, which is an increase in their employability, since the massive use of mediation as processes would reduce the number of cases in the courts in a significant way. Currently, just in Spain, over 10 thousand cases are resolved through mediation.
Read LessStudent profile: The Master's degree is aimed at all students and professionals interested in expanding their education in the field of conflict analysis and resolution. This means that all those who have an associate's or undergraduate degree in any of the areas of social and legal sciences can apply.
Within the specific requirements of the program is having completed at least 6 ECTS credits, or an equivalent professional load, in subjects related to the analysis and resolution of conflicts, including legal or international relations matters.
The student is also expected to have an ability for dialogue, an open mind, willingness to share and actively participate in the course, as well as the ability to finish the indicated tasks and papers on the specified dates.
Official Degree:Master´s Degree in Conflict Risk Management
Center responsible:School of Law and International Relations
Branch of knowledge:Social and Legal Sciences
Total Credits 60 créditos.
Minimum 12 ECTS credits and maximum 60 ECTS credits per enrollment and academic year
Academic year it was implemented:2019-2020
Duration: 1 year. From October to June
Places offered:
- Classroom attendance: 25
- Blended: 20
- Distance learning: 20
Academic Regulations: General student’s regulations. Credit transfer and recognition. Regulation of student participation. Common procedures for carrying out the Final Research Project
University Services: [+info]
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 60 credits
Profesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of Doctors |
52 | 86% |
Likewise, students must have acquired the following specific competences upon finishing the Master's degree:
Podrán acceder al Programa de Máster Universitario en Gestión de Riesgos en Conflictos todos aquellos postulantes que cumplan con los requisitos que impone la legislación vigente, con titulación de diplomatura/grado o licenciatura en cualquier área de las ciencias sociales, que estén interesados en adquirir formación en el ámbito del análisis y resolución de conflictos, que hayan superado en sus titulaciones universitarias de grado o equivalentes, al menos 6 ECTS o carga lectiva equivalente, con materias directamente relacionadas con el análisis y/o la resolución de conflictos, incluidas materias jurídicas o de relaciones internacionales, con capacidad de diálogo, mentalidad abierta, disposición para compartir y participar activamente en el desarrollo del curso, así como con capacidad para concluir en las fechas indicadas las tareas y trabajos que se indiquen, y que además cumplan con las exigencias de la Prueba de Admisión y con las Capacidades básicas que en ella se valoran (se describen más adelante).
In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of RD 1393/2007, modified by RD 861/2010, students who meet any of the following conditions may access these studies:
In general, the admission documentation will be submitted to the Admissions Department.
The student must provide the originals or certified copies of the documentation submitted, within a period established by the University, to formalize their enrollment. Any inaccuracy, falsity or omission of the data, statement or document provided by the student in the admission period will determine the impossibility of continuing with the exercise of the right from the moment in which the University has evidence of such facts, proceeding to the cancellation of the admission application submitted and the place that was awarded, without prejudice to the criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities that may have arisen.
To access official university master's degrees, it is necessary to submit the following documentation:
In the case that the studies with which the student accesses the pre-enrollment of the Master's degree are taken in a Foreign Higher Education institution, both the diploma and the academic record (grades) must be official and be issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system of the country of origin. In addition, they will have to meet the detailed requirements indicated in the "Master_PO12 access and admission procedure" of the Teaching Development Plan implemented by the University.
Además de la evaluación de los méritos académicos aportados por el candidato, los estudiantes deberán realizar las siguientes pruebas que forman parte del proceso de admisión.
The training of professionals in mediation is a need demanded by public and private institutions that must respond to a multitude of conflicts in different areas. In order to facilitate professional understanding of this way of resolving conflicts, it is necessary to create a space for reflection, instruction and dialogue with specialists of recognized prestige, through which the necessary conditions can be provided for the adequate education of future professionals who have to intervene in conflict areas, either from public or private institutions.
From a purely international dimension, conflict prevention is currently one of the framework priorities of the Spanish government and, as such, has been presented in the campaign that has led to our country being elected as member of the UN Security Committee.
The Master's Degree in Conflict Risk Management offers specific training for the acquisition of skills in Mediation, which are valid for carrying out the mediation activity.
At the end of the educational program of the Master's Degree in Conflict Risk Management, and once in possession of the official diploma, the registration will be carried out on the official portal of the Ministry of Justice.
Information on the Registry of Mediators and Mediation Institutions
Cristina Sosa, director of the Office for Asylum and Refuge, talks with the students of the School of Law and International Relations at Nebrija University