Master's Degree in Photovoltaic Energy Projects: Technical Aspects and Management

In collaboration with the Spanish Solar Photovoltaic Association (UNEF)
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Master's Degree in Photovoltaic Energy Projects: Technical Aspects and Management

Expert training in the management of large-scale or utility scale solar energy projects

The Master's Degree in Photovoltaic Energy Projects: Technical Aspects and Management is a program designed to provide practical, professional training in a sector that is not only thriving but also essential for societal development and the modern economy.

The electrification of the economy and the subsequent growth of renewable energies for electricity generation are pivotal to the global decarbonization process. Photovoltaic solar energy, with its maturity, robustness, and universality, holds a significant position within renewable energies. It has become the primary source of power generation in many regions worldwide.

The rapid expansion of large-scale photovoltaic solar energy projects has led to an increasing demand for knowledgeable, competent, and up-to-date professionals in this field. However, the current talent market is unable to meet this demand. Moreover, the training provided by educational institutions on renewable energy projects is often too general, particularly when it comes to the competitive advantages companies can gain from understanding the techniques and management of large-scale or utility-scale solar energy projects.

The Master's degree is designed to address the growing need for professionals trained in utility-scale photovoltaic solar energy projects. This program offers a unique perspective that merges both management and technical aspects, focusing on the specific characteristics of photovoltaic solar energy.

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This program, which can be pursued both face-to-face and online, is delivered by industry professionals. Upon completion, the projects undertaken during the course, and the final research project, which encompasses the Master's program, will equip students with unique profiles. These profiles will not only prepare them for further career development but also provide them with the necessary tools to distinguish themselves and create added value.

The primary goal of this training program is to cultivate experts in the technical aspects and management of large-scale renewable energy projects, equipping them with the necessary tools to excel professionally. In this regard, students will gain the understanding and technical knowledge required to perform effectively in the design and management of photovoltaic solar energy projects.

Building upon the knowledge gained from a technological degree, the specific objectives to be achieved are as follows:

  • Understand the technical foundations of photovoltaic solar energy.
  • Identify and determine the equipment that constitutes a solar photovoltaic installation.
  • Understand the parameters that influence the design of installation components.
  • Learn the typical construction management methodology of utility-scale projects.
  • Study the operation and maintenance procedures of utility-scale photovoltaic plants.
  • Stay informed about the latest trends in the design and construction of photovoltaic plants.
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Why study the Máster en Proyectos de Energía Fotovoltaica: Técnica y Gestión

Por qué estudiar el Máster en Proyectos de Energía Fotovoltaica: Técnica y Gestión

High Employability Program

Profesionales con amplia experiencia presentan diferentes modelos teóricos, apoyándose en sus propias experiencias para mostrar las fortalezas y los posibles problemas que pueden aparecer al aplicar los modelos.This program is delivered by professionals with extensive experience. They present various theoretical models, drawing on their own experiences to highlight the strengths and potential challenges that may arise when applying these models.

Por qué estudiar el Máster en Proyectos de Energía Fotovoltaica: Técnica y Gestión

Dual Modality

The curriculum is available in both face-to-face and online modes. This flexibility allows students to balance their personal and professional commitments while pursuing the program, without compromising the institution's excellence and quality.

Por qué estudiar el Máster en Proyectos de Energía Fotovoltaica: Técnica y Gestión

Nebrija SMART Engineering

This is the philosophy of the Higher Polytechnic School that emphasizes the comprehensive training of its students. It equips them with the necessary skills to meet the technological challenges of the future.


All our degrees and curricula have been developed in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Quality Assessment Agency.
The student must take 60 credits

First Semester 30 ECTS

  • From October to January, both included
  • 6 ECTS | Introduction and Regulatory Framework
  • 6 ECTS | Project Promotion
  • 4 ECTS | Project Financing
  • 4 ECTS | Self-consumption
  • 6 ECTS | Internationalization Processes
  • 4 ECTS | Manager Training

Second Semester 30 ECTS

  • From January to June, both included
  • 6 ECTS | Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Solar Energy
  • 6 ECTS | Utility-Scale Solar Plant Design
  • 6 ECTS | Evacuation Infrastructure
  • 3 ECTS | Construction of Solar Plants
  • 3 ECTS | Monitoring and Digitalization: Operation and Maintenance of Solar Plants
  • 3 ECTS | New Generation of Plants: Hybridization/Grid Forming/etc
  • 3 ECTS | PV Plant Project

More Academic Information


Career Opportunities

Energy resources derived from renewable sources, energy efficiency, and active demand management form the cornerstone of the global energy transition currently underway.

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) report, "World Employment and Social Outlook 2018", efforts to limit global warming to 2ºC are projected to create 24 million new jobs worldwide by 2030.

The Master's program in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is designed to meet the needs of numerous companies and institutions for roles such as:

Professional Internships

Nebrija University has entered into a collaborative agreement with nearly 3,000 companies and institutions. This agreement is designed to enhance the practical training of all our students and to bridge the gap between academic learning and the professional world, particularly for those embarking on their first job after graduation.

Among these companies are several options for students pursuing a Master's Degree in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. These companies provide an opportunity for students to undertake internships, allowing them to gain hands-on experience and establish valuable connections within their professional field.

More information about Internships

Your Master's Degree in Photovoltaic Energy Projects: Technical Aspects and Management

Visit all the Activities of the Higher Polytechnic School

Launch of the autonomous vehicle

FEM Expert and Nebrija University are combining cutting-edge engineering with other fields such as computer science, ethics, psychology and legal issues related to the essential homologation of the vehicle in this transversal project.

Mathematics and Physics in the digital age

Session where the challenges and opportunities of mathematicians and physicists in the digital age, interdisciplinarity, innovation and technology were addressed, as well as the bachelor's degrees in Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics (and their double degree) launched by the Higher Polytechnic School of Nebrija University.

image/svg+xml Masterclass con ponentes de prestigio en nuestras aulas

Nebrija Quantum Connection

In order to reinforce its contribution to the educational field and its commitment to students, Nebrija organized the Nebrija Quantum Connection event, which was attended by numerous Quantum Computing experts in Spain such as INDRA, LANTIK, Amazon, Miltiverse, Quasar, BBVAl, ATOS and QUSIDE, in order to promote its dissemination and present the state of this sector in our country.

Graduation Ceremonies | POSTGRADUATE

We will celebrate the Graduations coinciding with the 5th Centenary of Antonio de Nebrija.

Investiture ceremony of Carlos López-Otín as doctor honoris causa

Nebrija University named biochemist Carlos López-Otín a doctor honoris causa last Friday, November 18, in a ceremony that took place in the Conference Hall of the Madrid-Princesa Campus, and had Cristina Garmendia, president of the Cotec Foundation, PhD in Biological Sciences and former Minister of Science and Innovation, as the sponsor.

Welcome Sessions for the academic year

La Universidad Nebrija celebró las Jornadas de Bienvenida dirigidas a los nuevos estudiantes de grado presencial del curso 2022-2023.
Nebrija University held Welcome Sessions aimed at new face-to-face bachelor's degree students for the academic year. The sessions took place on September and in them the students got to know the University, professors, departments, facilities and colleagues who will be part of their university life.


Pilar Vélez proclaims her passion for mathematics at the official opening of the academic year

Devotion colored the atmosphere of the opening ceremony of the academic year at the Madrid-Princesa Campus of Nebrija University. It was present in the gestures and in the words of the speeches of academic personalities and in the title of the inaugural lesson – Devotion to Mathematics. From great discoveries to the discovery of theorems – given by Pilar Vélez Melón.

See article
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