Master's Degree in Transformation and Applied Data in Tourism*

Pioneering Program in the Transformation of Tourism Organizations through Data Management
2nd Nebrija Tourism Debate Forum: 'Virtual and Extended Reality: Overcoming the Limits of Tourism'

* * Institutional degree undergoing official verification
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Master's Degree in Transformation and Applied Data in Tourism

Leading Tourism Organizations Towards a Data-Driven Future

Welcome to our Master's in Transformation and Applied Data in Tourism, a unique and innovative program tailored to the evolving needs of tourism organizations. It was designed to address the increasing demand for managers and decision-makers capable of guiding their organizations towards becoming high-performance, data-driven entities.

Our curriculum features a pioneering curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with the development of essential practical skills. Students acquire a profound understanding of the principles and techniques essential for successful business transformation in the tourism sector. From advanced data analytics to strategic decision-making frameworks, graduates are equipped with the tools to drive innovation, optimize operations, and lead data-driven initiatives within tourism organizations.

Join us and take the lead in transforming the tourism industry by leveraging the full potential of data to achieve organizational success.

Advisory Board Members
and Teaching partners

ESRI España

At ESRI España, we specialize in training, guiding, and supporting our clients to effectively integrate Geographic Information Systems into their business operations, enabling them to make informed decisions. With a team of over one hundred professionals skilled in geography, technology, and management, we leverage the most advanced geographic information platform available on the market.


Our mission is to democratize access to the benefits of a data-driven approach, facilitating the rapid adoption of AI and new technologies through practical use cases. Ultimately, our objective is to deliver tangible business outcomes, assisting our clients in achieving growth, customer retention, and enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability.


Miembro afiliado a ONU Turismo

Affiliate Member of UN Tourism
UN Tourism, previously known as the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mission is to promote responsible, sustainable, and universally accessible tourism.


The Interuniversity Postgraduate Network in Tourism (RedIntur) fosters cooperation in studying, exchanging experiences, and proposing actions. These efforts aim to meet the demands arising from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Leveraging Technology for Tourism

In an interview with Natalia Bayona, the Director of Innovation, Education, and Investments at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), she discusses the significance of implementing technological solutions in the tourism sector. These solutions aim to broaden reach, enhance customer experiences, and maintain the sector's status as the leading employer of young individuals and women globally.

Partner entities


The AWS Academy provides a diverse range of courses and educational resources, empowering students to cultivate various skills pertinent to the AWS cloud environment.


Data science and analytics are rapidly shaping every aspect of our lives and our businesses. We’re collecting more data than ever before, but not everyone is able to efficiently analyze all that data to extract meaningful insights. There is incredible power in data—but only if you know what to do with it. DataCamp teaches companies and individuals the skills they need to work with data in the real world.

Why study the Máster en Transformación y Datos Aplicados al Turismo*

Por qué estudiar el Máster en Transformación y Datos Aplicados al Turismo*

Pioneer Program

This is the first university postgraduate program uniquely combining the vision of organizational transformation through data, specializing in the tourism sector.

Por qué estudiar el Máster en Transformación y Datos Aplicados al Turismo*

Interdisciplinary Training

It provides robust interdisciplinary training integrating knowledge across business management, information systems, technology, and data science.

Por qué estudiar el Máster en Transformación y Datos Aplicados al Turismo*

Career Opportunities in Prestigious Companies

Graduates have access to job opportunities with prominent companies and entities in the tourism sector through our internship program and Nebrija University's network of collaborating companies.


All our degrees and curricula have been developed in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation.
The student must take 60 credits

First Semester 30 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS | Introduction to Data Science and Transformation in Tourism
  • 6 ECTS | Statistical and Computational Fundamentals Applied to Tourism
  • 6 ECTS | Management of Data-Driven Tourism Organizations
  • 6 ECTS | Agile Management of Transformation Projects for Tourism Organizations
  • 6 ECTS | Applications of Geographic Intelligence in Tourism

Second Semester 30 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS | Analytical Methods Applied to Tourism
  • 6 ECTS | Big Data and AI Applied to Tourism
  • 6 ECTS | Architectures and Data Applications in Tourism
  • 6 ECTS | Professional Internships
  • 6 ECTS | Master's Final Project

More Academic Information


Career Opportunities

Upon completion of the Master's in Transformation and Data Applied in Tourism, the student will be well-prepared to pursue a professional career in various roles such as:

Collaboration Agreements for Professional Internships

This Master's program maintains collaboration agreements for professional internships with some of the top companies and institutions in the sector, including:

More Information about Internships in Companies

Your Master's Degree in Transformation and Applied Data in Tourism

Visit all the Activities of the School of Economics and Business

The tourism sector integrates extended reality into its customer relationships
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Francisco Javier Navarro moderates a key debate at the Smart Data Spain Summit 2023
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Francisco Javier Navarro publishes the book 'Managing the Smart Revolution in Tourism Firms'
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UNWTO recognizes Nebrija University for its presentation on the opportunities of geospatial intelligence.
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The Big Data course for Central American Tourism Executives commences
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The benefit of technology for Tourism

Interview with Natalia Bayona, Director of Innovation, Education and Investments at World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), where she analyzes the importance of the application of technological solutions in tourism in order to help reach more people, improve the customer experience and continue to be the largest employer of youth and women in the world. She also highlights the role of education in empowering young people to be actors of change towards a more sustainable, more modern and more innovative system.

Nebrija Tourism Week

Collaborative Economy was the central theme at the Tourism Week held at the Nebrija University's Madrid-Princesa Campus, in which experts from the sector took part.

Webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Smart Tourism

Approaches to Artificial Intelligence from the needs of the tourism company and its relationship with the destination.

Webinar: Smart Destinations

Governance strategies in the Transition towards tourism resilience.

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