Universidad Nebrija, universidad privada en Madrid, España
> Español

The UniversityGoverning Regime

Antonio de Nebrija University is governed by the Board of Trustees, the Governing Council and the Board of Directors.

The Board of Trustees and the Governing Council are collegiate bodies formed by personalities of recognized academic and professional prestige, with important responsibilities in society. They are also institutional members of the Board of Trustees:

Regimen de Gobierno

  • The President of the Antonio de Nebrija Foundation.
  • The members of the Governing Council.
  • The President of the Internal Regime Commission.
  • The Former Rectors or Honorary Rectors of the Antonio de Nebrija University up to a maximum of four.
Board of Trustees of the University



Darío Villanueva PrietoD. Darío Villanueva Prieto
Catedrático de Teoría de la Literatura
Director de la Real Academia Española (2014-2018)
Professor of Theory of Literature
Director of the Royal Spanish Academy (2014-2018)

Presidente de Honor

Honorary President

Antonio GarriguesD. Antonio Garrigues Walker
Presidente de Honor de Garrigues Abogados y Asesores Tributarios. Honorary President of Garrigues Abogados y Asesores Tributarios



Carlos Espinosa de los MonterosD. Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros
Presidente Fraternidad-Muprespa
Ex Alto Comisionado del Gobierno para la Marca España
President of the Fraternidad-Muprespa
Former High Commissioner of the Government for the Spain Brand



Antonio AbrilD. Antonio Abril Abadín
Presidente de la Conferencia de Consejos Sociales de las Universidades Españolas President of the Conference of Social Councils of Spanish Universities



Ladislao de ArribaD. Ladislao de Arriba Azcona
Presidente de Tecnocom
Presidente de Estudio de Comunicación
President of Tecnocom
President of Estudio de Comunicación

Pedro de SilvaD. Pedro de Silva Cienfuegos-Jovellanos
Ex Presidente del Principado de Asturias
Former President of the Principality of Asturias

Dª. Aurora EgidoDª. Aurora Egido Martínez
Catedrática de Literatura Española
Secretaria de la Real Academia Española
Associate Professor of Spanish Literature
Secretary of the Royal Spanish Academy

D. Ignacio Escribano SáezD. Ignacio Escribano Sáez
Coordinador de Desarrollo Inmobiliario de la Universidad University Real Estate Development Coordinator

Senén FlorensaD. Senén Florensa Palau
Embajador Representante de España ante Naciones Unidas y los Organismos Internacionales con sede en Viena
Presidente Ejecutivo del Instituto Europeo del Mediterráneo (IEMed)
Ambassador Representative of Spain to the United Nations and International Organizations based in Vienna
Executive President of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)

Salvador Gutiérrez OrdóñezD. Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez
Catedrático de Lingüística General
Miembro de la Real Academia Española
Professor of General Linguistics
Member of the Royal Spanish Academy

Kareen HatchwellDª. Kareen Hatchwell Altaras
Vicepresidenta del Grupo EXCEM Vice President of the EXCEM Group

Ricardo Martí Fluxá D. Ricardo Martí Fluxá
Presidente de TEDAE. (Asociación Española de Tecnologías de defensa, seguridad, Aeronautica y Espacio)
Ex Secretario de Estado de Seguridad
President of TEDAE. (Spanish Association of Defense, Security, Aeronautics and Space Technologies)
Former Secretary of State for Security

Eduardo MontesD. Eduardo Montes Pérez
Ex Presidente de Siemens España Former President of Siemens Spain

Belén MorenoDª. Belén Moreno de los Ríos Álvarez de Toledo
Profesora de Lengua Española
Fundadora del Centro de Estudios Hispánicos
Professor of Spanish Language
Founder of the Center for Hispanic Studies

José MuñizD. José Muñiz Fernández
Rector de la Universidad Nebrija
Vicepresidente del Consejo Rector de la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Rector of the Nebrija University
Vice President of the Governing Council of the Nebrija University

Víctor Pérez-DíazD. Víctor Pérez-Díaz
Catedrático de Sociología
Director de ASP Gabinete de Estudios, S.L.
Professor of Sociology
Director of ASP Gabinete de Estudios, S.L.

Juan PíD. Juan Pí Llorens
Consejero del BBVA
Representante del Patronato en el Consejo Rector de la Universidad
Advisor of BBVA
Representative of the Board of Trustees in the University’s Governing Council

Francisco RodríguezD. Francisco Rodríguez García
Presidente de Industrias Lácteas Asturianas, S.A. (Reny Picot) President of Industrias Lácteas Asturianas, S.A. (Reny Picot)

José Luis RodríguezD. José Luis Rodríguez García
Presidente de Nueva Economía Fórum President of New Economy Forum

Antonio Rodríguez-PinaD. Antonio Rodríguez-Pina
Presidente de Deutsche Bank España President of Deutsche Bank Spain

Santiago SatrústeguiD. Santiago Satrústegui Pérez de Villaamil
CEO Abante Asesores CEO Abante Asesores

Pedro Sainz de BarandaD. Pedro Sainz de Baranda
Consejero de Naturgy Energy Group S.A Director of Naturgy Energy Group S.A.

Eduardo SerraD. Eduardo Serra Rexach
Presidente de la Fundación Transforma España President of Fundación Transforma España

Javier Solano Rodríguez-LosadaD. Javier Solano Rodríguez-Losada
Presidente de Balneario de Mondariz S.A.
Ex Vicepresidente del Instituto de Empresa
President of Balneario de Mondariz S.A.
Former Vice President of Instituto de Empresa

Gustavo SuárezD. Gustavo Suárez Pertierra
Presidente de UNICEF
Ex Ministro de Defensa y de Educación
President of UNICEF
Former Minister of Defense and Education

Rolf Tarrach SiegelD. Rolf Tarrach Siegel
Físico y Rector emérito de la Universidad de Luxemburgo
Presidente del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (2000-2003)
Physicist and Rector Emeritus of the University of Luxembourg
President of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (2000-2003)

Juan Carlos Ureta DomingoD. Juan Carlos Ureta Domingo
Presidente de Renta 4 Banco President of Renta 4 Banco

Javier VegaD. Javier Vega de Seoane
Presidente de DKV Seguros
Ex Presidente del Círculo de Empresarios
President of DKV insurance
Former President of the Circle of Businessmen

Manuel VillaD. Manuel Villa-Cellino
Presidente del Consejo Rector de la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija President of the Governing Council of the Nebrija University

Enrique de Ybarra e YbarraD. Enrique de Ybarra e Ybarra
Presidente de EL CORREO President of EL CORREO

Santiago Pozo ArenasD. Santiago Pozo Arenas
Fundador de Arenas Entertainment
Miembro de la Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Founder Arenas Entertainment
Member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Board of Directors

Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Villa-Cellino Torre
Presidente del Consejo Rector President of the Governing Council

Prof. Dr. D. José Muñiz Fernandez

Prof. Dr. D. Luis Diaz Marcos
Vicerrector de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado Vice-Rector for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff

Prof. Dr. D. Álvaro Bustinduy Candelas
Vicerrector de Investigación Vice Rector for Research

Prof. Dr. D. Gerardo Mochales
Vicerrector de Estudiantes, Empleabilidad e Internacionalización Vice-Rector for Students, Employability and Internationalization

Profa. Dra. Dª Cristina Villalonga Gómez
Vicerrectora de Educación Digital y Tecnología Vice Rector for Digital Education and Technology

Prof. Dr. D. Óscar Aguado Tevar
Director Gerente Managing Director

D. Gregorio Martínez Garrido
Director de Relaciones Institucionales Director of Institutional Relations

D. Juan Antonio Escarabajal Sánchez
Director de Desarrollo Universitario Director of University Development

Dª. Sara Izquierdo Pérez
Secretaria General Secretary General

Profa. Dra. Dª Susana Martín Leralta
Decana de la Facultad de Lenguas y Educación Dean of the School of Languages and Education

Profa. Dra. Dª Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa
Decana de la Facultad de Comunicación y Artes Dean of the School of Communication and Arts

Profa. Dra. Dª Ana Fernández-Ardavín
Decana de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa Dean of School of Economy and Business

Profa. Dra. D. Alfonso López de la Osa Escribano
Decano de la Facultad de Derecho y de Relaciones Internacionales Dean of School of Law and International Relations

Prof. Dr. D. Juan Carlos Arroyo Portero
Director de la Escuela Politécnica Superior Director of the Polytechnic School

Profa. Dra. Dª. Sara Uceda Gutierrez
Decana e.f. de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida y la Naturaleza Acting Dean of the Faculty of Life and Nature Sciences

Governing Council of the University

Manuel Villa D. Manuel A. Villa-Cellino
Presidente President

José Muñiz Fernández D. José Muñiz Fernández
Vicepresidente Vice President

D. Antonio Abril Abadin
Secretario Secretary

Ignacio Escribano Sáez D. Ignacio Escribano Sáez
Vocal Spokesperson

D. Rolf Tarrach Siegel D. Rolf Tarrach Siegel
Vocal Spokesperson

Javier Solano Rodríguez-Losada D. Javier Solano Rodríguez-Losada
Vocal Spokesperson

Vice-Rector’s Office of Academic Organization and Faculty
Luis Díaz

Prof. Dr. D. Luis Diaz Marcos Vice-rector

The purpose of the Vice-Rector's Office for Academic Planning and Faculty is to manage the academic processes related to the definition, development and implementation of the academic offer, teaching planning, and quality assurance. Likewise, it defines and manages the processes related to the development of the academic career of the teaching and research staff, and the professional development of the administration and services staff. Additionally, it leads and develops the "Executive Education" programs and continuous training, whether or not they are in collaboration with companies and institutions. The vice rector's office carries out all its activities in full harmony with the University's schools and centers, and in accordance with the strategies and guidelines established by the Board of Regents.

Structure of the Vice-Rector's Office for Academic Planning and Faculty

Academic Planning

Its mission is to implement, organize and manage the curricula of the official bachelor's and master's degrees and the University's own titles, in addition to planning the academic and exam calendar and the teaching schedules of all the Schools, as well as the adaptation of the spaces to the teaching and research needs. Likewise, it manages the credit recognition processes.

Teaching organization

Its main mission is to provide support to schools, centers and academic departments in terms of teaching planning, proposals for hiring professors, monitoring of teaching operational plans, budget preparation and control, issuance of certificates and reports.

Talent and Professional Career

The talent and professional career area develops, in collaboration with the schools, centers and departments of the University, people management processes: staff planning, recruitment and selection, hiring, personnel administration, training and development, performance management, compensation and social benefits, detection and empowerment of talent, well-being, risk prevention and health. Likewise, it pays special attention to the development of the initiatives proposed by the academic departments to stimulate and strengthen the academic career of the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff). And, in collaboration with the areas of administration and services, it stimulates and improves the professional projection of the University's human resources.

Technical Unit for Quality

The Technical Unit for Quality is responsible, in collaboration with the schools and centers of the University, for the definition and implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System for all the University's degrees. This unit supervises and coordinates the verification and accreditation processes of all the University's degrees. It coordinates the application of the DOCENTIA program for the evaluation of teaching and research staff. Likewise, it supervises all the processes and actions carried out by the University to promote and disseminate a culture of quality throughout the organization. It also assumes the management and relationship with the entities in charge of the elaboration of university Rankings.

Executive Education and Continuing Education

The executive education and continuing education area fully manages the in-company training programs as well as the University's continuing training offer. For this, tailor-made training projects are developed through a process of accompaniment of client companies. Specific programs (face-to-face, blended or virtual) aimed at promoting the development of talent and improving the knowledge, skills and professional abilities of their human resources.

Structure of the Vice-Rector’s Office:

Prof. Dr. Luis Díaz Marcos

VicerrectoradoAcademic Planning:
Dª Susana Guil Gorostidi

VicerrectoradoTeaching organization::
Dª Almudena Flores

Talent and professional career:

Administración de RRHH:

Dª Beatriz Marcos

Selección y Talento:

Dª Lola Notario

VicerrectoradoTechnical Unit for Quality:
Dª Elena Ramón Gamella

VicerrectoradoExecutive Education and Continuing Education:
Dª Ana Álvarez Castro

Contact information

Vice-rector’s office for Academic Planning and Faculty

  • Madrid-Princesa Campus
    C/ Sta. Cruz de Marcenado, 27 28015 Madrid, España
  • Life Sciences Campus in La Berzosa
    28240 Hoyo de Manzanares (Madrid) España

Secretary of the Vice-rector’s Office
Marta García-Ocaña vicerrectoradoNebrija@nebrija.es
T. (+34) 91 452 11 03

Organizational structure of the Schools

Vice-Rector’s Office for Research

The Vice-Rector's Office for Research aims to carry out the research and knowledge transfer missions that are entrusted to university institutions. Its activity is divided into four areas:

  • Doctorates: The Doctoral School is in charge of doctoral programs focusing mainly on:
    • Supervising the verification, monitoring and accreditation of doctoral programs.
    • Mobility and internationalization of doctoral programs.
    • Promoting research excellence through training in research skills for PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and PhD students.
  • Research groups: The OTRI (Research Results Transfer Office) is in charge of providing support and coverage to research groups, mainly in:
    • Advising research groups and promoting public calls for research projects.
    • Supporting and collaborating in the presentation, execution and justification of research projects.
    • Supporting the transfer of knowledge and the dissemination of the research carried out by the research groups.
  • Research Chairs: The Research Service is in charge of coordinating the Nebrija Chairs, whose objective is to promote research and disseminate knowledge of specific areas, which are considered to be strategic and relevant in the context of today's society. Each Chair has a director and a coordinator, who work collaboratively with a research group. The different chairs respond as a whole to the university's commitment to generating, promoting and disseminating new knowledge, to promoting the transfer of research results, enhancing university-business collaboration and supporting academic excellence.
  • Library: The Library Service constitutes a fundamental support for research through documentary, bibliographic and training services, through which it provides the researcher with the precise tools to access the source documents that support all research, measure the effects and repercussions of his/her results, and train him/her in the corresponding skills and in the ordered procedures of the research cycle through which he/she is obliged to spend his/her scientific career.

Structure of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research

Álvaro BustinduyDr. Álvaro Bustinduy Candelas
Vice rector

Juan Arturo RubioDr. Juan Arturo Rubio Arostegui
Doctoral School

María Jesús PiozDña. Mª Jesús Pioz Soriano
Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI)

María VaílloDra. María Vaíllo
Research Service

Olga ÁlvarezDña. Olga Álvarez

Contact information

Vice Rector for Research

Nebrija University
Campus de La Berzosa
Calle del Hostal, s/n
28240 Madrid

Secretary of the Vice Rector


Vice-Rector’s Office for Students, Employability and Internationalization

The Vice-Rector's Office for Students, Employability, and Internationalization oversees departments associated with the majority of student services and extracurricular activities. Its primary focus lies in facilitating students' transition into the workforce and fostering their international exposure. This aligns with the strategies and directives outlined by the Board of Regents.

Structure of the Vice-Rector’s Office

Prof. Dr. Gerardo Mochales

Prof. Dr. Gerardo Mochales Vice-rector

Professional Drive:

D. Antonio Pérez CastroD. Antonio Pérez Castro Director of Professional Careers

Its objective is to plan and manage the integration and professional advancement of students within companies and institutions collaborating with the university for professional internships. This goal encompasses coordinating student mentoring programs, executing academic and extracurricular activities focused on enhancing employability, and ensuring seamless implementation of these initiatives.

Psychopedagogical Orientation Office

Dña. Blanca PastorDña. Blanca Pastor Director of Psychopedagogical Orientation Office

It offers students and the entire Nebrija community comprehensive and individualized counseling to promote optimal academic performance and complete personal and professional development.
It coordinates the University's Tutorial Action Plan and the Buddy Club, as well as is responsible for training national students in Mentoring with the aim of facilitating the integration of international students in the educational environment.
Through the High Performance Space, it provides training, prepares intervention protocols for specific learning and high capacities needs, carries out processes of executive coaching psychology and sports coaching psychology.


Dña. Aldara PereiraDña. Aldara Pereira Directora de Estudiantes

One of its prime objectives is to streamline students' access to available scholarships and financial aid, fostering accessibility and ensuring continuous support at Nebrija. Moreover, it actively encourages student interaction through designated delegates, facilitating the dissemination of essential information across non-institutional communication channels used by students.

Interaction with Alumni constitutes a crucial aspect, fostering a continuous connection between current students and Nebrija graduates through the Antonio de Nebrija Foundation. This enduring relationship cultivates a sense of belonging and offers a platform for ongoing engagement, comprising training sessions, thematic clubs, sports events, forums, and a spectrum of activities that uphold Nebrija University as the enduring nexus for both present and past students.

This student-focused area champions healthy living practices by coordinating and executing activities that promote well-being and healthy habits.

Contact information

Vice-Rector’s Office of Students, Employability and Internationalization

Antonio de Nebrija University
Campus de La Berzosa
Calle del Hostal, s/n
28240 Madrid

Secretary of the Vice-Rector’s Office


Vice-Rector's Office for Digital Education and Technology
Prof.ª Dra. Dª Cristina Villalonga GómezProf.ª Dra. Dª Cristina Villalonga Gómez Vice-rector

The Vice Rector's Office for Digital Education and Technology aims to direct the digital transformation of the institution, focusing on promoting digital learning and educational innovation through the digitalization of processes, technological development and governance of Information Technologies and Communication.

Its activity is carried out in three areas:

  • Nebrija Global Campus
  • Projects, Operations and Processes
  • Technology

Nebrija Global Campus:

Nebrija Global Campus is the Digital Education Unit of Nebrija University. Its main objective is the implementation of digital platforms and tools for teaching and learning in all teaching modalities, giving the professor and the student the leading roles in the process and understanding technology as a mediator of the educational process. In addition, it designs and executes techno-pedagogical innovation projects that allow it to be a department in constant growth and adapted to the new demands of this area, as well as designing spaces for collaboration and innovation.

It is organized in two main areas that feed off each other; the techno-pedagogical support area, dedicated to guaranteeing the techno-pedagogical implementation of the Global Campus teaching and learning Methodology in the academic programs, and the e-learning innovation area dedicated to launching teaching innovation projects related to educational technology and the management of attractive and quality educational content.

Its functions include training in digital skills for Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Administration and Services Staff (PAS); technical-pedagogical accompaniment and support for students in digital environments; the management and implementation of educational innovation projects related to digital education; the investigation of the variables that intervene in the teaching and learning processes mediated by technology; quality assurance by evaluating the performance of teachers in digital environments; the design of teaching methodologies and their adaptation to new scenarios, agents and educational tools; the management of the process of elaboration and digitalization of educational contents; the techno-pedagogical support of different academic activities; the design and implementation of training courses and programs and the development of techno-pedagogical support material for teaching.

Projects, Operations and Processes:

The mission of the Projects, Operations and Processes team is to achieve a more cohesive and agile organization in decision making. This department assumes the transversal projects that have an impact on the organization of the University. This work is carried out from a triple perspective::

  • From the point of view of the Projects, wide-ranging initiatives are led that require the participation of different departments and also have a transversal impact, be it technological or not. All projects include fundamental Change Management work that makes it easier for people to adopt new processes and tools and is a key part of project success.
  • The Processes team documents the organization's processes to validate them, later, with each of the departments that participate in them and generating knowledge that helps us to be orderly and coherent with the operation of the systems over time.
  • Finally, Operations consolidates the changes that are being proposed to improve our management. This section is also promoting real, effective communication with results in multidisciplinary teams. This improvement in communication is later translated into a more collaborative work between different departments and an improvement in efficiency.


The Technology area's mission is to meet the needs of the entire Nebrija community (Schools, students, PDI, PAS, etc.) by providing innovative, robust, agile and scalable solutions that facilitate their day-to-day functions.

It manages technological infrastructures, leading both in designing of the new ones and maintaining of the current ones.

It offers support to computer solutions, guaranteeing their availability and restoring the normal functioning of operations.

It provides technological solutions, according to demand, guaranteeing their delivery within the established deadlines and manner, adapting them to the data governance model, ensuring the operability, integrity and confidentiality of the data as a strategic resource for decision-making at the university.

Additionally, it is also responsible for protecting information systems by applying the cybersecurity initiatives and measures recommended by the National Institute of Cybersecurity in Spain (INCIBE) included in the National Security Framework.

Structure of the Vice-Rectorate:

Prof.ª Dra. Dª Cristina Villalonga Gómez

Nebrija Global Campus

Lorena Delgado ReverónNebrija Global Campus:
Lorena Delgado Reverón

María García SánchezDigital Education Project Coordinator:
María García Sánchez

Patricia Ibáñez IbáñezDigital Education Management Coordinator:
Patricia Ibáñez Ibáñez

Projects, Operations and Processes

Daniel Magaña MartínezDirector of the Digital Transformation Agenda and Director of Projects, Operations and Processes:
Daniel Magaña Martínez

Noemina Hornero ZabalaProject, Operations and Processes Coordinator:
Noemina Hornero Zabala


Noelia Marbán FernándezDirector of Technology:
Noelia Marbán Fernández

Ventura Morcillo ValleHead of Technological Infrastructures:
Ventura Morcillo Valle

Johen Valera Pirela Development manager:
Johen Valera Pirela

Gema García Bustos Global Support Manager:
Gema García Bustos

Contact information

Vice Rector's Office for Digital Education and Technology

Universidad Nebrija
Campus de Ciencias de la Vida en La Berzosa
Calle del Hostal, s/n
28240 Madrid

Secretariat of the Vice-rectorate


University Development

National University Development

His activity includes two fundamental areas:

  • Promotion Area: It serves as the primary representative for the University, responsible for disseminating and promoting its diverse undergraduate and postgraduate academic programs, including degrees, double degrees, and university master's degrees. Additionally, this section oversees the University's participation in various educational forums and fairs. It actively engages in extensive guidance and information efforts in collaboration with secondary education centers, companies, and partnering institutions. Activities include presentations, orientation days, vocational workshops, and facilitating visits to the University.
  • Management Area: This division focuses on managing the student information process and handles the admission and enrollment of new students, as well as providing essential guidance to students and their families.

International University Development

Collaborating closely with academic departments, this division oversees international programs catering to both Spanish and foreign students.

International University Development: Serving as the University's representative in international forums, this department manages the University's engagement and participation on a global scale. It oversees international university agreements, coordinates information dissemination for international students, and ensures seamless execution of international initiatives.

Call Center

The Nebrija University call center strives to align student needs with the institution's objectives, prioritizing the paramount importance of service quality for students and the added value it brings. This emphasis distinguishes between simply offering a degree and providing a quality educational experience.

Comprising a team of academic advisors well-versed in diverse educational areas, the call center aims to guide students in enhancing their stay and learning experience at Nebrija University. Our primary goal is to ensure that nothing impedes your journey towards achieving your aspirations while enjoying your time at Nebrija. To this end, the University offers abundant resources, including our call center, to support your academic and personal success.


The Department oversees the planning, development, and execution of campaign strategies across various media channels, both digital and offline, by creating impactful commercial content. The primary objective of this department is to establish Nebrija University and its academic programs as benchmarks within the national and international university landscape.

  • Media and Campaigns: Responsible for managing the University's diverse advertising campaigns across digital platforms (such as Google Ads, Social Networks, Programmatic Purchasing, and academic portals) and offline channels (including outdoor advertising and media).
  • Web: Oversees the editing and management of the University's primary website and its subdomains. Additionally, this department prepares digital assets for advertising campaigns, including Landing Pages, creatives, and mailings.
  • Content and Audiovisuals: Tasked with generating all commercial content for the University, including brochures, Landing Pages, creatives, inserts, and videos. This department also plays a pivotal role in conceptualizing, planning, and executing advertising campaigns and their messaging. Furthermore, it produces multimedia, audiovisual, or photographic content for both external (media, agencies) and internal (commercials, campaigns, creatives) purposes.

Structure of University Development:

Beatriz FerreiraNational University Development:
Beatriz Ferreira

Saloomeh YousefianInternational University Development:
Saloomeh Yousefian

Fernando AntunesCall Center:
Fernando Antunes

Enrique SottoMarketing:
Enrique Sotto
