Marta Perlado

Facultad de Lenguas y Educación

“Contribuimos a la sociedad si formamos ciudadanos plurilingües y pluriculturales, capaces de transmitir y enseñar lo que son y lo que saben mediante metodologías innovadoras, con un sentido artístico, creativo y crítico de la vida"
"We contribute to society if we form multilingual and pluricultural citizens, capable of transmitting and teaching what they are and what they know through innovative methodologies, with an artistic, creative and critical sense of life"
Susana Martín Decana de la Facultad de Lenguas y Educación
Susana Martín Dean of the Facultad de Lenguas y Educación
Facultad de Lenguas y Educación

Máxima puntuación en docencia y Empleabilidad Ranking QS Stars

Top 5 Universidades privadas Españolas Ranking Forbes University

Máxima puntuación en enseñanza online Ranking QS Stars

Actividades de la Facultad de Lenguas y EducaciónMáster en Enseñanza Bilingüe de la Universidad Nebrija

IX Jornada de Inmersión Lingüística

23 de febrero de 2019 (Campus de Madrid-Princesa).


  • 08:45 – Recepción y recogida de materiales
  • 08:55 – Inauguración
  • 9:00 – 10:15 – Andrea Littlewood
    We're talking primary! Ideas and activities for real communication

    The spotlight is on primary learners! How can we ensure they make progress with their English and help them deal with a complex world where clear communication is essential? In this workshop we will look at what successful communication involves and strategies and activities to help our children communicate positively and meaningfully. Realia, anecdotes and course books at the ready.
    Andrea Lillewood (BA 1985) studied French and Spanish at Nottingham University and later qualified as an English Language teacher RSA/UCLES CTEFLA (1988) DTEFLA (1991). She has been teaching in Madrid since the 80s and was the Head of the Young Learners department at Hyland Language Centre for 15 years . She is a regular speaker at ELT conferences and is involved in the young learners teacher training course at International House Madrid where she now works as a school Coordinator. Andrea is co - author of the primary course books Twister 1 and 2 and is a Cambridge speaking examiner.
  • 10:15 – 11:30 – José Manuel Palomino
    Creating materials for CLIL

    In this workshop, José Manuel will share with you his experience as a CLIL author and educational consultant for Edelvives and ByME.
    We will examine which criteria need to be adopted when selecting or creating CLIL materials. The key question we will answer together is: how can we achieve the right balance of language and content? We will reflect on ways to create content that is cognitively challenging and motivating while using language (for learning and of learning) that permits students to develop their communications skills as well. We will dedicate special attention to scaffolding strategies which give students opportunities to construct their own knowledge and become more autonomous.
    José Manuel holds a Master’s degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, he has been working as a bilingual education teacher for more than ten years, and he has written a variety of Primary CLIL materials and courses for the Spanish publishing house Edelvives. He also collaborated with ByME, a publisher specializing in CLIL materials.
    During the last six years, he has been giving training sessions to teachers and schools setting out on CLIL projects. He is currently teaching at Colegio Ntra. Sra. de las Maravillas and he is the director of the “Bilingualism and CLIL Methodology” Master’s degree at Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle.
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
  • 12:00 – 13:15 – Manuela Mena
    May the force of Gamification be with you

    Teach me and I will forget. Surprise me, and I may remember.
    Some students seem naturally enthusiastic about learning but many need to be inspired, challeged and surprised to engage in the learning process. However, finding ways to motivate students might be harder that it seems. There is no magic formula to activate the learner’s motivation. New research places surprise and novelty among primary factors that create interests, encourage participation and reduce behavioral issues. Over the past few years, gamification has gained popularity and has become one of the favourite teaching tool amongst educators to create engaging and meaningful learning contexts. The importance of gamification in education can be only understood if we realize that the human brain has a natural desire to learn through play. Games promote learning and create a wonderful context for practising higher-order thinking skills such as evaluation, applying new concepts and creativity. They also promote communication, competition and cooperation and have a rich narrative that boosts imagination. This session draws on personal experience and aims to blend a bit of theory with practice. Participants will be invited to explore and experience some gamified activities and procedures they can then use with their own students.
    Manuela holds a university degree in Translation and Interpreting and a masters’ degree in Neuropsychology and Education. She is a qualified CELTA teacher and a Cambridge ESOL Speaking Examiner. She is the owner and director of The Language House Spain and has been a teacher trainer since 2013, giving teacher development courses and seminars in Spain, the UK, Georgia, Austria and Italy. She is a lecturer at the Nebrija University and the University of Applied Languages -SDI Munich. She is also an online tutor for the Institut de Formació Contínua -IL3, University of Barcelona, and a regular writer for Maestr@ Infantil, an international children’s magazine published by EDIBA. She is also a materials writer for the Spanish Cambridge ESOL Exam Centre CambridgeMB. Her main areas of research and interest are Creativity, Motivation, PBL and Kinesthetic Grammar. Some of her most recent publications include: ¡Genial! A2 and Misión ñ both published by EnClaveELE. On top of these, she has also written several articles and contributed to some chapters to other authors’ books.
  • 13:15 – 14:30 – Antonio Ramos
    “English in a day": an online video project intended for secondary school students

    Based on the excellent results of Spanish in a day (SID), the first online video competition ever intended for Spanish language students, English in a day is built upon two successful editions of its predecessor to prove the scalability of collaborative video projects in foreign language education. In our workshop we will learn:
    • how to choose stimulating video input for the meaningful use of English in — and outside — our classrooms (from Life in a day to Britain in a day)
    • how to set up a pedagogical framework to boost participation through a gamified practice and by fostering international recognition in social media.
    • how to encourage students in non-immersion language contexts to engage in foreign language competitions worldwide: good practices from Spanish in a day Junior.
    English & Spanish FL Teacher and Teacher Trainer since 2001 and education blogger since 2011, Antonio has taught at university level (USA & Turkey) and at the Cervantes Institute centres in New Delhi, Madrid and Istanbul, where he also held the position of Head of Studies. In between 2015 and 2016, he was appointed Spanish Language Programme Coordinator at the United Nations Secretariat in New York. He currently teaches English at Secondary School level in Comunidad de Madrid. Parallel to this, he coordinates the project "Languages in a day”, an online video competition intended for foreign language students worldwide. The two consecutive editions of “Spanish in a day” were awarded the prize for “The best teaching practice based on ICT” by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Difusión Publishers, Spain.
  • 14:35 – Clausura y entrega de certificados


23 de febrero de 2019

Duración del Curso

4,5 horas


Sábado 23 de febrero de 09:00 a 14:30


10 euros

Lugar de Realización

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Campus de Madrid-Princesa
C/ Santa Cruz de Marcenado, 27
28015 Madrid

