Estudiar Extranjero

Study AbroadScholarships and grants

As an exchange student, you will continue paying tuition and monthly payments to Nebrija University. However, you will have to add to your stay abroad other typical expenses as an exchange student:

  • Accommodation.
  • Living expenses (inside or outside the host university).
  • Orientation fees.
  • University fees for the use of the facilities at the host university (library, computer room, gyms ...).
  • Textbooks.
  • Excursions.
  • Other miscellaneous expenses.

Those students who have a European destination can apply for the Erasmus+ Scholarships (except those students with the destination of Haute École de Gestion de Genève (Switzerland)).

Banco Santander Scholarships

In each academic year, the conditions, the number of scholarships and the assigned amounts can change.

  • Iberoamérica Scholarships. Santander Grado
    • Available to students enrolled in the International Mobility Program with international destination in certain universities with which Santander has a collaboration agreement in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico and Uruguay.
    • The list of universities with which Antonio de Nebrija University currently has an exchange agreement and that are eligible for this scholarship can be consulted  here.
    • Assignment criteria: general scaling of the International Mobility Program 2018-2019.
    • All students who opt for this scholarship must register in advance and compulsorily through this link
  • Santander Erasmus Scholarships
    • Santander Bank announces the Santander Erasmus scholarships.
    • Available for those students enrolled in the International Mobility Program and destined within the Erasmus+ program.
    • Assignment criteria: general assessment of the International Mobility Program.

For any questions, contact:

Other aids

Apart from these scholarships managed by Nebrija University, there are other opportunities to get financial aid:

  • Students already granted scholarships at Nebrija University will have the opportunity to keep their scholarships while abroad, as long as they meet the corresponding requirements.
  • Some universities offer exchange students the possibility of being a reader/tutor in their language department ("Teaching Assistant"). The conditions of such position vary according to the host university.
  • In some destinations, you can look for another type of work within the university or outside, if the corresponding visa allows it. It is important to consult the host university and/or the corresponding embassy for more information.
  • In some partner universities, the exchange student is offered a place in the university residences. This place can be offered at a reduced price, or if you participate in a closed Teaching Assistant program, the corresponding expenses can be included in the program. (The conditions of the allocation of these limited places vary according to the destination and the course, and the norm is to follow the usual procedures required by the host university to request accommodation.)
  • Students who wish to do internships in other European countries can benefit from the Erasmus+ Intern aid. For more information, contact the: Department of Professional Careers

For other possible scholarships (not managed by Nebrija University), the International Mobility Office recommends searching the websites, request information in the corresponding embassies, in the Autonomous Communities of origin, other organizations, etc.
