High Performance Sports Scholarships
Scholarships for new students with a high-level or high-performance athlete certificate
> Español

Scholarships for Nebrija students High Performance Sports Scholarships

Scholarships are applicable to tuition fees at the official price, excluding the concepts of place reservation and enrollment.

Directed at:

Students with a sports career for the last two years accredited by the Spanish and/or autonomic federation.


  • Sports Career for the last two years accredited by the Spanish and/or Autonomic Federation.
  • Family income for the year prior to the year of application: The income of the family unit must not exceed a series of economic parameters defined by the University and are modifiable according to the economic situation. These parameters vary depending on the number of components of the family unit and also differ according to the place of residence, inside or outside the Community of Madrid. You can receive more information by contacting the Scholarship Unit.
  • Regardless of the economic criteria stated, the university reserves the right to decide based on the analysis of the characteristics and circumstances of each case.

Required documentation:

  • Completion of the scholarship and study grant application form.
  • Accrediting document and/or CV that describes the sporting merits.
  • Sports CV of the federation.
  • Photocopy of personal income statement submitted by the parents or guardian, corresponding to the last fiscal year*. In case of not being obliged to submit the income statement, you must provide a statement of compliance of not having to submit it and a certificate of assets or document that reflects the income obtained. If he/she is a self-employed worker, you must submit the last four quarterly VAT declarations or the annual summary and payments on account of the IRPF for the corresponding year.
    *If you do not have the income statement for the year prior to the year of application, you may request the completion of a previous study, submitting the income statement prior to the one required, and leaving the resolution thereof conditioned to the subsequent submission of the originally requested statement.
  • Authorization or certificate of registration of the family unit

Scholarship renewal

Scholarships and study aid are granted only for one academic year, so the corresponding application must be made to renew them.

  • Percentage: the same percentage initially granted will be renewed.
  • Requirements: Present the federative certificate of participation in official competitions in the last six months. Regarding the academic requirement, you must pass all the subjects in which you are enrolled, whether in an ordinary or extraordinary session.
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