Nebrija University supports the work of young researchers, helping them at the beginning of their careers through professional guidance and funding for their doctoral theses.
To obtain information on the completion of a doctoral thesis and the financing possibilities described above, contact the appropriate research group, the program coordinator or directly at
ERASMUS+ Doctorate grants for international mobility 2024/2025 extension Closed call
ERASMUS+ Doctorate grants for international mobility 2024/2025 Closed call
Call for ERASMUS+ Doctorate grants for international mobility 2024/2025
Document 1. Application
Document 2. Conditions
Document 3. Charter
- Resolution:
1. Sonia Martínez Giron (Doctorado en Seguridad y Análisis de Riesgos y Conflictos).
País y universidad de destino: Alemania, IFSH, Hamburgo.
Fecha inicio estancia: oct 2024. Fecha fin estancia: diciembre 2024.
Cantidad solicitada: 900 € (3 meses).
Cantidad concedida: 900 € (3 meses).
ERASMUS+ Doctorate grants for international mobility 2023/2024 Closed call
ERASMUS+ Doctorate grants for international mobility 2022/23 Closed call
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants for the mobility of doctoral students from Nebrija University
Document 1. Application
Document 2. Conditions
Document 3. Charter
- Resolution:
- Aitziber Pousa Unanue (programa de doctorado interuniversitario en Turismo).
País y universidad de destino: Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Suecia.
Fecha inicio estancia: 04/09/2023. Fecha fin estancia: 04/12/2023.
Cantidad solicitada: 310 €/mes, total 930€.
Cumple con todos los requisitos y se aprueba.
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants 2022-2023 (extension) Closed call
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants 2021-2022 Closed call
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants for the mobility of PhD
Document 1. Application form
Document 2. Annex II General conditions
Document 3. Annex III Erasmus + Student charter
- Resolution:
- Francisco Buades Sitjar (programa de doctorado en Educación y Procesos Cognitivos).
Destination country and university: Italia, Centro Studi e Ricerche in Neuroscienze Cognitive, Universita di Bologna.
Start date of stay: 01/10/2022. End date stay: 30/12/2022.
Requested amount: 250 €/month, total 750€.
Approval conditional on the delivery of the missing documentation within the indicated period.
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants 2020-2021 (extension) Closed call
- Call:
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants for the mobility of PhD
Document 1. Application form
Document 2. Annex II General conditions
Document 3. Annex III Erasmus + Student charter
- Resolution:
- José Francisco Rocabado Rocha (programa de doctorado en Educación y Procesos Cognitivos).
País y universidad de destino: Alemania, Kaiserslautern, Center for Cognitive Science.
Fecha inicio estancia: 26/04/2022. Fecha fin estancia: 31/07/2022.
Aprobación condicionada a la entrega de la documentación faltante en el plazo indicado.
- Oriana José Pérez Dávila (programa de doctorado en Tecnologías industriales e informáticas).
País y universidad de destino: Holanda, Delf University of technology.
Fecha inicio estancia: 02/2022. Fecha fin estancia: 05/2022. (fechas por confirmar).
Cantidad solicitada: 250 €/mes, total 750 €.
Aprobación condicionada a la entrega de la documentación faltante en el plazo indicado.
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants 2020-2021 Closed call
- Resolution:
Resolution of the Call for Erasmus + Doctorate Grants for international mobility of doctoral students at Nebrija University in 2020/21.
- Ana Baciero de Lama (doctoral program in Education and Cognitive Processes).
Destination country and university: United Kingdom, Bournemouth University.
Start date of stay: 04/01/2021. End date of stay: 07/01/2021. Requested amount: € 300 / month, total € 900.
It meets all the requirements and is approved.
- María Eugenia Flores (PhD program in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Languages).
Destination country and university: Ireland, Trinity College.
Start date of stay: 07/01/2021. End date of stay: 09/30/2021. Amount granted: € 300 / month, total € 900.
It meets all the requirements and is approved.
- Kyle Wesley Gear (Computer and Industrial Technologies PhD program).
Destination country and university: Netherlands, European Space Technology Research Center / European Space Agency (to be confirmed until 01/22/2021).
Start and end date of stay: second quarter of 2021 (to be confirmed until 01/22/2021). Requested amount: € 300 / month, total € 900.
Approval conditional on the delivery of the missing documentation within the indicated period.
Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants 2019-20 Closed call
- Resolution:
Resolution of the 2019/20 Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants for mobility of the Doctoral Students of Nebrija University.
We proceed to review the application and documentation of:
- Teresa Simón Cabodevilla (Doctorate Program in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Languages). Country: United Kingdom. Start of stay date: 02/01/2020. End of stay date: 01/05/2020. Amount requested: 900 euros.
Meets all requirements and is approved.
- Bryan Chávez Abregú (Doctorate Program in Industrial and Computer Technologies). Country: Czech Republic. Start of stay date: 07/01/2020. End of stay date: 09/30/2020. Amount requested: 900 euros. Meets all the requirements and is approved”.
2018-19 Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants Closed call
- Call: Doctoral Committee of October 30, 2018.
2018/19 Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants for the mobility of PhD students
Document 1. Application form
Document 2. Annex II General conditions
Document 2. Annex III Erasmus+ Student Charter
- Resolution:
On December 12, 2019, Nebrija University's Doctorate Commission has adopted an Agreement with the following:
- David Rodríguez Velasco (Doctorate Program in Applied Linguistics). Country: United Kingdom. Start of stay date: 03/01/2019. End of stay date: 06/01/2019. Amount requested: 900 euros. Meets all requirements and is approved.
- Alejandro Gonzalez Muñoz (Doctoral Program in Industrial Technologies). Country: Sweden. Start of stay date: 03/01/2019. End of stay date: 06/01/2019. Amount requested: 900 euros. Meets all requirements and is approved.
On January 29, 2019, Nebrija University's Doctoral Commission has adopted an Agreement with the following literal wording:
- Marta Gallego García (Doctorate Program in Applied Linguistics). Country: Belgium. Start of stay date: 01/07/2019. End of stay date: 09/28/2019. Amount requested: 750 euros. Meets all requirements and is approved.
2017-18 Call for Erasmus+ Doctorate grants Closed call
According to RD 103/2019, of March 1, which approves the Statute for research staff, the pre-doctoral scholarships are now called Santander Bank Pre-doctoral Training Contracts (see Contracts tab).
Help with book publishing (Doctoral theses) 2024 Closed call
Call for grants
Application for grants
- Resolution:
The PhD Committee unanimously decides to declare the publishing grant award void in this call.
Nebrija University-Banco Santander aid for short stays abroad 2024-2025 extension Closed call
Convocatoria de ayuda
Solicitud de ayuda
- Resolution:
Marina Serrano Carot (Doctorado en Educación y Procesos Cognitivos).
Host country and university: Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, EE.UU.
Start date of stay: 01/09/2025- 30/09/2025 (one month).
Amount granted: 1.200 €
The amount of travel assistance will be up to a maximum of €400 for travel expenses.
Nebrija University-Banco Santander aid for short stays abroad 2024-2025 Closed call
Call for grants
Application for grants
- Resolution:
1. Sonia Martínez Giron (Doctorado en Seguridad y Análisis de Riesgos y Conflictos).
Host country and university: Alemania, IFSH, Hamburgo
Start date of stay: 01/10/2024. Fecha fin estancia: 31/12/2025
Amount requested: 3.600 € en concepto de estancia.
Amount granted: 3.600 €
The amount of the travel aid will be up to a maximum of €400 for travel expenses, which will be managed by the Purchasing Unit for the acquisition of tickets.
2. Nicola McNab (Doctorado en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas).
Host country and university: Reino Unido, King´s college London
Start date of stay: 03/02/2025. Fecha fin estancia: 03/05/2025
Amount requested: 3600 € en concepto de estancia.
Amount granted: 3.600 €
The travel expenses of the grant amount to a maximum of 400 EUR, which will be managed by the Purchasing Unit for the acquisition of tickets.
Help with book publishing (Doctoral theses) 2023 Closed call
Call for grants
Application for grants
- Resolution:
- It is unanimously agreed to grant aid for the editing of doctoral theses in 2023 to the application submitted by Javier Chao García.
Call for grants for short stays in foreign research centers for research personnel in training 2023/24 (extension) Closed call
Call for grants
Grant application
- Resolution
- Inka Romero-Ortells Labrada (programa de doctorado en Doctorado en Educación y Procesos Cognitivos).
Host country and university: Reino Unido, University of Essex, Colchester
Start date of stay:01/02/2024. End date of stay: 30/04/2024.
Amount requested: €3,600 for the stay.
Amount granted: €3,600
The amount of the aid for the trip will be up to a maximum of €400 for travel expenses.
Grants Universidad Nebrija-Banco Santander for short stays abroad in 2022/23 Closed call
Grants for book publishing (Doctoral theses) 2022 Closed call
Grants Universidad Nebrija-Banco Santander for short stays abroad in 2021/22 Closed call
Grants for short stays abroad 2020-2021 Closed call
Call for grants for short stays in foreign research centers for research staff in training 2020/21
Application for grants for short stays abroad 2020/21
- Resolution:
Resolution of the Call for Grants Universidad Nebrija-Banco Santander for short stays abroad in 2020/21.
The application and documentation of:
- Ana Baciero de Lama (doctoral program in Education and Cognitive Processes).
Destination country and university: United Kingdom, Bournemouth University.
Start date of stay: 04/01/2021. End date of stay: 07/01/2021.
Amount granted: € 3,680 for stay. The amount of aid for the trip will be up to a maximum of € 400 for travel expenses.
It meets all the requirements and is approved.
- María Eugenia Flores (PhD program in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Languages).
Destination country and university: Ireland, Trinity College.
Start date of stay: 07/01/2021. End date of stay: 09/30/2021. Amount granted: € 3,680 for stay.
The amount of aid for the trip will be up to a maximum of € 400 for travel expenses.
It meets all the requirements and is approved.
- Kyle Wesley Gear (Computer and Industrial Technologies PhD program).
Destination country and university: The Netherlands, European Space Research and Technology Center / European Space Agency (to be confirmed until 22/01/2021).
Start and end date of stay: second quarter of 2021 (to be confirmed until 01/22/2021). Awarded amount: pending.
The amount of the travel aid will be up to a maximum of € 400 for travel expenses. Approval conditioned to the delivery of the missing documentation in the indicated term. "
Grants for the edition of books for doctoral theses defended in 2019-2020 Closed call
Call Help for the edition of books for doctoral theses defended in the academic year 2019/20
Application for aid to the editing of doctoral theses defended in 2019/20
- Resolution:
Resolution of the call Aid for the edition of books for doctoral theses defended in 2019-2020: in the absence of applications submitted for this call, the aid is declared void.
2019-2020 Call Closed call
According to RD 103/2019, of March 1, which approves the Statute for research staff, predoctoral scholarships are renamed Banco de Santander Predoctoral Training Contracts (see
Contracts tab).
Grants for book publishing (doctoral theses) 2019 Closed call
- Resolution:
Resolution of the Call for Edition of Doctoral Thesis 2018/2019: In the absence of applications submitted for this call, grant is declared void.
2019-20 Call for short stays for research staff in training Closed call
- Resolution:
On January 27, 2020, Nebrija University's Doctorate Commission has adopted an Agreement with the following:
Resolution of the 2019/20 Call for grants for short stays in foreign research centers for research staff in training.
We proceed to review the application and documentation of:
- Teresa Simón Cabodevilla (Doctorate Program in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Languages). Country: United Kingdom. Start of stay date: 01/31/2020. End of stay date: 01/05/2020. Amount granted: 3,680 euros for stay and up to a maximum of 400 euros for transportation. The latter will be managed in the Purchasing Unit Department for the purchase of tickets. Meets all the requirements and is approved.
- Bryan Chávez Abregú (Doctorate Program in Industrial and Computer Technologies). Country: Czech Republic. Start of stay date: 07/01/2020. End of stay date: 09/30/2020. Amount granted: 3,680 euros for stay and up to a maximum of 400 euros for transportation. The latter will be managed in the Purchasing Unit Department for the purchase of tickets. Meets all the requirements and is approved.
- Francesc Clar López (Doctorate Program in Industrial and Computer Technologies). Country: Netherlands. Start of stay date: 03/15/2020. End of stay date: 04/30/2020. Amount granted: 1,880 euros for stay and up to a maximum of 400 euros for transportation. The latter will be managed in the Purchasing Unit Department for the purchase of tickets. Meets all the requirements and is approved.
Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2019
Doctoral Committee of December 16, 2019.
Unanimously, the Doctoral Commission makes the decision, which is unappealable, to grant the award to Sergio Corbera Caraballo for his doctoral thesis: Integrated methodology for the autonomous management of the functional design process of a motorcycle based on generative systems and evolutionary techniques.” Defended on June 19, 2019, obtaining the Distinction CUM LAUDE grade, and enrolled in the Doctoral program in Industrial and Computer Technologies.
2018-19 Predoctoral scholarships Closed call
Grants for book publishing (Doctoral Theses) Closed call
2018-19 Call for short stays for research staff in training Closed call
2018-19 Research Staff in Training Scholarship Closed call
2017 Grants for book publishing (Doctoral Theses) Closed call
2017-18 Call for short stays for research staff in training Closed call
2017-18 Predoctoral scholarships Closed call
Call: Doctoral Committee of May 25, 2017.
2017-2018 Call for Nebrija scholarships for research staff in training.
Resolution of the pre-doctoral scholarships of the Doctorate Program in Applied Linguistics.
In accordance with the provisions of the regulations, Nebrija University's Doctorate Commission, meeting on October 6, 2017, has awarded the following scholarship:
- Pre-doctoral scholarship attached to the Applied Linguistics Doctorate program, awarded to: Marta Gallego García.
- Substitutes (in the case of withdrawal of the latter): 1. Teresa Simón Cabodevilla; 2. Javier Chao García; 3. Clara María Molero Perea.
Resolution of the pre-doctoral scholarships of the Doctoral Program in Industrial Technologies.
In accordance with the provisions of the regulations, Nebrija University's Doctorate Commission, meeting on November 30, 2017, has awarded the following scholarships in accordance with the proposal of the Academic Commission of the Industrial Technologies doctorate program:
- Pre-doctoral scholarship attached to the Industrial Technologies Doctorate program, awarded to: María Sonsoles García Alonso.
- Pre-doctoral scholarship attached to the Industrial Technologies Doctorate program, awarded to: Francesc Clar López.
- Substitute (in the case of withdrawal of the latter): 1. Sandra Muñoz Piña. Meets the conditions and is on the waiting list.
Call for short stays for research staff in training Closed call
2016-17 Grants for book publishing (Doctoral theses) Closed call
2016-17 Predoctoral scholarships Closed call
2016-2017 Call for Nebrija scholarships for research staff in training
- Call: Candidates will be able to make a claim at the Vice Rector's Office for Research until October 20, 2016, starting on the date the final list is called.
- Resolution:
In accordance with the provisions of the regulations, the Doctoral Commission of the Antonio de Nebrija University, meeting on September 30, has awarded the following scholarships:
- 1 Pre-doctoral scholarship attached to the Linguistics Doctorate program, awarded to Cristina Herrero Fernandez
Substitutes (in the case of withdrawal of the latter): Javier Chao García, María Moldes Suárez.
Admitted and not selected:
Priy Bharti, Mª Elena Gil López, Juan Climaco Gutiérrez Díaz, Oscar Kem Mekah Kadzue, Leticia Martínez, Yuth Molina Gómez y Mercé Mundet Tarrago.
- 2 Pre-doctoral scholarships attached to the Engineering Doctorate program, awarded to Zeynab Mohseni and Alejandro González Muñóz.
Substitute (in the case of withdrawal of the latter): Bruno López Schenkel
Incoming visiting professors Closed call
- Call: Doctoral Commission Agreement of April 29, 2015
- Resolution: May 27, 2016 Doctoral Commission .
Verbatim wording of the agreement of the Doctoral Commission dated 05/27/2016: "Chris Bleakley (University College Dublin Beldfeld, Ireland), who is part of the professors who appear in the verified report of said program. B) TianQi Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology, China) that is not part of the professors of the verified report and attaches the documentation required in the application."
2015 Predoctoral scholarships Closed call
Call for short stays for research staff in training Closed call
Grants for book publishing (Doctoral Theses)Closed call