Unidad Técnica de Calidad de la Universidad Nebrija
> Español

Technical Unit for QualitySubmission of Applications

¿What is OPINA?

OPINA is the virtual mailbox of suggestions, incidents and congratulations of Antonio de Nebrija University. Through this mailbox, members of the university community and/or external persons can express themselves and their opinions about the University.

This platform is, therefore, an open communication channel that works thanks to the existing feedback mechanism between the different university agents and, at the same time, as an instrument for continuous improvement.

The OPINA section has an email address: opina@nebrija.es through which the applicant can receive information on the status of their query, with the possibility of the applicant identifying himself/herself or making the request anonymously.

You can access this space from the University website and from the Technical Unit for Quality website.

Claims Form

The Claims Form is the document through which the Antonio de Nebrija university community (students and internal staff) submit their claims.

It is made up of several fields, some referring to the applicant's personal data and others to describe the claim.

You can access this document from the University website, within the Technical Unit for Quality section. Students, staff of the University and external persons can download the Form in order to fill it out.

The Technical Unit for Quality and the Personalized Service center are the receiving bodies of the Claims Form.

Personalized Service Center

The Personalized Service Center has the mission of channeling all the improvement proposals. Support and advice are provided in non-academic matters and information is provided on University services, scholarships and grants, clubs and extracurricular activities.

ILikewise, the management of the Council of Delegates is made more dynamic through the Personalized Service Center, through the participation of students. The consultations can be made in person at La Berzosa (Office 104, Sonia Brox) or by email at centrodeatencion@nebrija.es

The Personalized Service Center is available to University students and staff who wish to send their suggestions, who do not know who to contact to solve their questions or for those who, having to make arrangements with several Departments to solve an issue, want to centralize it in the persons responsible for the Center.