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Technical Unit for QualityDOCENTIA Program
DOCENTIA is the Support Program for the evaluation of the Teaching Activity of University Professors whose purpose is for universities to develop their own mechanism to evaluate the quality of our professors.
The main objectives pursued by the University in this program are:
- Know and be able to inform the professor about their teaching activity, providing a detailed assessment of the activities related to their teaching, their weaknesses and their strengths.
- Certify the quality of the teaching activities carried out by the professor and the institution to which he/she is linked.
- Promote quality teaching.
- Detect the best practices of our professors, to apply them to all the degrees, as well as their training needs.
- Make this evaluation model a basic tool for continuous improvement.
- All these objectives can be summarized in one: improving teaching quality.
The model developed by Nebrija University's Technical Unit for Quality obtained a positive evaluation by the Quality, Analysis and Planning Agency of Madrid Universities in 2008. After its implementation period, the model was subjected to evaluation. and reached a successful positive certification on July 26, 2016 from the Madri+d Knowledge Foundation.
News DOCENTIA Program